Chapter-6 First Step...

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Chapter-6 First Step...


I looked at Ria to see she was beaming. "What is there to be so excited about it?" I questioned.

"The fact that you are finally gonna do it. I never thought you will let go of all this stuff" she said jubilantly.

"Oh come on Ria, enough with your delirious state. There's nothing to be so excited about it." I retorted

"If you are expecting me to be sad about it then forget it, you should have done it way before. I never thought you will do it ever and it came as a shock first. But now that you are doing it, I'm happy coz it'll help you only" she said making a face.

"But it's not that easy for me" I whispered. In an instant she was by my side and assured me "you can do it sweetie, I know you can" she pressed my shoulders.

I stood there looking at the stuff in the box. Last night I decided to start letting go by destroying everything I've preserved for so long, everything that belonged to HIM. All those things only held me from moving on. They cuffed me to his memories.

Although I decided to destroy everything but couldn't muster the courage to really do it. Destroying them means I'll never be able to see them again even if I want to.

I took a deep breath and reminded myself 'you have to do it. Be strong'.

I sat down and looked at everything. There were photos, letters, my diaries (filled with what I felt for him, how he made my life beautiful and how he was the inseparable part of me). There were poems and stories he wrote for me, some handmade gifts. There was his shirt he gave me once to wear that I never returned him back. We looked so happy in those photos. The love we shared, the impeccable understanding between us, only if I had known then that it was not understanding but...

Ria tapped me from back and broke my chain of thoughts, she handed me a pair of scissors and nodded.

"Would you like to help? I know you are dying to put your hands into this and show your talent of destruction" she chuckled and said "I would love to, but you should do it yourself. Trust me, it'll help" she smiled and sat on my bed.

I took the scissors and started cutting the shirt. My heart was filled with mixed feelings, some part of it was aching, some confused and a small part of it was actually happy.

A tear rolled up in my eye, I quickly wiped it and started tearing the shirt with my hands. I could feel the memory of that day coming back to me when he gave me his shirt. I still remember every detail like it was yesterday.

I shook my head to shove the memory away. By the time I was finished the shirt was converted into shreds. After that I tore his stories and poems to the point they could no longer be torn sobbing softly. I broke every gift he gave me.

Now was the time of diaries left last in the box, I hesitated a bit coz these were written by me. They were my part as they stored in them all my memories.

My heart was pounding as I opened the first diary, and there it was. My gaze fixed into them, they were staring back at me, those jade green eyes. I shut the diary and broke into tears.

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