Paris Peace Treaty

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            After getting off the jet once it finally landed, we find ourselves renting a car and trying to get directions to where this peace treaty meeting is going to be held. It was easier than I expected it to be. Seems like forcing the kids to learn French is finally paying off for Hank and I because in no time at all we make it to the building. We park the car as close to the building as we can get it, which still happens to be a few blocks away unfortunately, and make our way inside as inconspicuously as possible. We needed to be extra careful in not being seen since we have Erik with us now and he's technically an escaped convict.

Thankfully Hank is able to get us inside the place that we're assuming that Raven will be coming too disguised as an official that's supposed to be attending the meeting. But now that we're here I'm starting to have doubts. How do we know for sure that she's even here? How do we know that we're not screwing up the future even more than it was before? This has all turned into one giant goose chase and it feels like we're actually making any progress.

Without Libby here we don't even know if anything that we've done so far has mattered.

Hank continues leading us through the building, hopefully in the right direction, almost as if he knows what room that the meeting is being held in. As much as I want to continue following him without question there's just too many doubts in my mind about... Well, everything. So to ease my mind a smidge I ask at least one question that's been on my mind.

"Are we sure that we're even going in the right direction?" Before anyone got a chance to answer me a door slams open towards the end of the hallway and a group of military and political men come stampeding towards us yelling at the top of their lungs.

"Does that answer your question?" I glare at Hank, who of course is grinning like a child who is allowed to say I told you so after telling them not to say it, but I can't stay mad at him, I've never been able to stay mad at him. So I just shake my head and smile.

"With the lack of security in a building that's supposed to be holding such an important event it makes you wonder how important that this thing actually is." I have to raise my loud enough for Hank to hear me over the screaming men that are passing by us.

After the stampede passes Charles takes the lead and runs into the room that the other men have just vacated. Hank takes my hand and keeps me behind him as we enter the room ourselves but releases me as soon as he sees that's Raven's in trouble.

Some military man has a taser machine connected to Raven's skin, which is in her natural and beautiful blue, until Hank deals with the man by punching him into a wall before going back to help Raven stand up. I look around for Charles, to make sure that he's safe, and see him leaning against a wall looking seriously ill with the sudden commotion around us. Maybe he's finally starting to realize how useless that he actually is without the use of his mutation.

Logan pushes me aside as he falls to the ground, clutching his head, as he back's himself into a wall. I crouch down to him carefully to see what has happened to him but making sure at the same time that I'm keeping an eye on the room around us, which has apparently turned into chaos.

Seems like Erik can't kick his urge to kill people and has now turned his sights on Raven.

Logan opens his eyes and groans, which brings my attention back to him, he looks around groggily like he's just waking up from a nap.

"Logan?" I ask gently, I can tell that he's able to hear my voice but he's still not coherent enough to tell where it's coming from just yet, so I try calling out to him again. "Logan, are you alright?"

An Ever Changing Future - Alex Summers, book 2Where stories live. Discover now