End of Silence

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 Sighing, I pause in my journal wiring and read over the entire entry while I'm waiting for the cramp in my hand to go away. It might sound silly to be making sure that I'm not missing anything for a silly journal entry, but that silly entry is the only way that I've been able to fight off my guilt of not telling Alex about Ray, or any of the things that are truly happening.

Whenever we receive letters from Alex we all, Hank, Ray, Darwin, and myself, all sit together and take turns reading the letter. We also write down what we want to say in our reply letter. Ray and Darwin go in on theirs together that was Ray will still be able to pretend that he's talking to his father. Hank never has much that he wants to say but he still adds in his two cents every time. He also helps me in deciding what to say and how detailed that I should put it. Because if I allow myself to tell him what I really want to say then I would have to send hundreds of journals through the mail. Pray that the gets them all and as soon as he even saw the amount being sent to him he would know instantly that something is wrong and be rushing to come home.

And as much as I would love for him to come home to us I don't know for sure if that's what he even wants anymore. The way that he's been living in the war for the past 10 years, having a domestic life like this might not be something that he might want now.

But I can't let myself think that way, I have to stay strong for my boys at all times.

Hank continually remind me that I won't be keeping Alex in the dark forever. Eventually he will come back home to us and he'll be able to read the journals and feel like he never left us with all the details that I put in them about our days. How we spend them and how much we miss not having him here with us.

I shiver and move closer to my window so that I can cut of the chilly breeze, my boys are playing out back which makes me smile until I realize what it is that they're playing with. Darwin's weather manipulation mutation. Closing the window I continue watching my boys having fun. Ray is sitting on the grass watching the mini tornadoes on Darwin's hands as he tried to balance them on the ground and make them grow at the same time.

Ever since Darwin was little he always had a special talent for being able to predict the weather. When he turned four we realized why. He was playing in some puddles with Ray one afternoon when his mutation came to light. Ray was so excited for his brother that he tried running to find me in the mansion before he knew how to run, he ended up falling and crying. Making everyone run out to see him, he felt so bad for taking the attention away from Darwin.

Darwin was more upset that his brother hurt himself and attempted to show us his mutation. Apparently it wasn't as strong the second time around but it was still strong enough for me to understand what type of gift that he had been blessed with.

I trained him the best that I could considering that we're both element users, but even then a lot of his training is going to have to come from him training himself and experimenting with things. And because of that Ray loves watching his brother learn more about what he can do and how he attempts to control his mutation.

Another ability that became known to us was the permanent change in his skin colour. On Darwin's fifth birthday we noticed it first on his arm, then gradually after that it consumed his entire body. He was so mad that he was the only one with a physical mutation that I was momentarily scared of my own son. Just the look in his eyes, seeing all that anger again after so long, I decided that it was time to tell him the truth. He was so made at me, blamed me for being so weak that I wasn't able to defend myself without anyone coming to my aid. That was the first time that we have ever argued. To this day I have no idea what Hank said to the boy, or when, but at some point those two had a long chat that made Darwin realize why things like that happened.

An Ever Changing Future - Alex Summers, book 2Where stories live. Discover now