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I woke up with Diego staying on top of me sleeping. I didn't want to be perv or some shit but I can feel his dick through his pants. Ahh what am I talking about?? His head was laying on my chest.I didn't want to wake him up. He was too cute. I don't want to hurt him. I can't just do things without thinking. He's very hurt already. I'm so sorry for him. But I know how it feels. I felt the same everyday. It's horrible af. I grabbed my phone to look at the time. It was 10:45. And I had a new message from Steven saying 'I saw you two this morning🤗I didn't wanna wake you up but when u see the message come down for breakfast🙂'
Diego slowly opened his eyes. He looked at me and smiled. He looked way better that yesterday. I don't know why I'm even here with him. I never really stayed too much with him. I'm guessing I have to stay since I'm the only person that can make him stop crying and forget about anxiety and stuff like that. Well, my life is still a piece of shit.

Diego P.O.V

I woke up on top of Kylie. I was surprised she didn't mind. I was feeling better with her. I don't really know why... But I don't want her to live. Not right now. I was feeling too good. And I think my dick was feeling good too. Fuck. I hope she didn't observe it. It would be weird. I smiled at her and she did back with a sweet cute smile. I don't wanna know what I was going to do if she wasn't here.
'Are you feeling better' she said looking a bit worried too.
'Yeah I'm definitely better now.' I said trying to forget about yesterday. ' Steven is waiting for us downstairs with breakfast. I'm so hungry' she said trying to get up. ' Sorry I didn't mean to squish you the hole night but I never slept better than this time honestly.' I said getting up so she can finally breathe. We went downstairs. It smelled like someone nearly burned the house. Oh Steven tried to cook again. Last time he cooked we had to eat at McDonalds.
'Finally you came down. Just in time to help me with those pancakes...' Steven said laughing hard.
'Oh Steven you really fucked up those black pancakes.Let me do it.' Kylie said. In 5 minutes the pancakes were ready. I don't usually eat pancakes but goddamn these were like from fucking heaven.

Kylie P.O.V

We were all eating. Then Diego's phone buzzed. It was next to me so Diego asked if I can tell him who it is.

It said 'new message from Jess'

Jess😒: Hey I'm sorry ok? Is not my fault is only yours but if you still want us to be a thing then meet me by the Park next to Steven's house at 11:00.

I read the message to Diego and he just stood there thinking.

'So do you want to go?' I asked him hoping he would not. I know if he will, he will be hurt again. And I don't want him to be hurt. It hurts me too. But if I would tell him that, he would probably think I'm jealous or some shit. Thinking about that, Diego started saying 'Um...I think I'll go get ready. I need to go to see her.'
I was hoping this was only a nightmare. 
'Are you kidding me right now?!?' I said looking angry.
'Well, it will be fine I guess.' Diego said.
I jumped up like a bouncing ball 'Diego yesterday you were telling me how broke you were because of her, and how much you hate her, and now you want to-' Diego interrupted me 'Kylie ok I was broke but it doesn't matter ok? Why do you care so much anyway? We don't even know each other very well. What, are you jealous right now?!'
I felt like a tear was dancing on my cheek. After all I did for him?!
'Diego do you realise what would happen to you if I wasn't there yesterday?!' I said crying in silence.
He just got his shoes on and said 'whatever.' And just went outside. It was 11:00. I can't believe. I can't believe I was trusting him.

💔end of chapter 4💔


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