Nudity Campaign: Donations/Meetings

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For more information about donating to the Clothing Optional Communities Campaign go to

Clothing Optional Communities Campaign sponsored events, meetings, etc.:

These will be set up with rules specific for the event or meeting. For more information contact the local chairperson running the event or meeting.

Validation of Polling Results:

After the polls are taken, review 100 of the positive responses. This will ensure the accuracy of our results.

Use the following text for the call:

Hello, my name is <local chairperson>, from the Clothing Optional Communities Campaign. May I speak to <person who answered the nudity poll question>?

<Once they get on the line.>

Hello, I am trying to confirm the answer you gave us to the following question, "Would you allow public nudity in <name of city/boro where polling took place>?" Was that a yes or a no?

<If answer matches, mark OK on the list by the person’s name. If not, mark no on the list by the person’s name. If person asks what you are doing, tell them the Clothing Optional Communities Campaign is trying to guarantee the results of a recent poll taken in the area.>

<After the call is complete, thank the person and hang up.>

Way Meetings Are Run:

All meetings are run by the President.

First 10 minutes are to get organized and settle down.

Second 10 minutes devoted to reading the minutes from the last meeting.

Discuss old business including tabled issues or votes from the last meeting. All tabled items must be voted on this meeting.

Discuss new business. All voting issues may be tabled to the next meeting to give committee members time to think about them.

Last 10 minutes. Close the meeting.

Issue brought up for a vote. How it works:

Five minutes to hear the reasons why the item should be approved.

Five minutes to hear the reasons why the item shouldn’t be approved.

Ten minutes to discuss the issue among the committee members.

Five minutes to hear closing arguments on why the item should be approved.

Five minutes to hear closing arguments on why the item shouldn’t be approved.

Any issue brought up in new business or a change to an old issue may be tabled to the next meeting.

Vote to remove a committee member is automatically tabled to the next meeting.

Issue may be brought up for a vote at each meeting even after a vote has been made. However, a person bringing up a voting issue may add an addendum on to it stating, "This issue may not be voted on again for <time period>."

All ties are broken by the President.

Membership in the Clothing Optional Communities Campaign

Nudity Workshop:

Date Attended:

Name of Instructor:

Membership Information:

Your Name:

Position you’d like to hold in the campaign <may list more than one>:

Membership Benefits:

You will be called to participate in upcoming Clothing Optional Communities Campaign events.

You’ll have full access to any meetings held by the nudity campaign (some meetings may be limited due to seating).

You’ll receive the nudity newsletter bi-annually when publication begins.

You’ll have an opportunity to meet other nudists/naturists in the campaign and participate in nude recreation sponsored by the nudity campaign. (The nudity campaign operates on very little money. Therefore, all fees for these events are paid on an individual basis by its members).

Most importantly, you’ll be working to make our communities a better place to live.

Cost for all of the above: a little of your time.

Please fill out and return at meeting or mail to:

<Clothing Optional Communities Campaign mailing address.>

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