Nudity Campaign: Goals

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Within the next 20 years, to change or eliminate laws restricting public nudity in 25 of the 50 states. To educate the public on a normal, healthy outlook on nudity.

Sub goal #1:

To systematically remove or alter existing laws in PA so as to be nudist friendly within the next five years. To have chapters in at least 3 other states in the next five years.

Sub goal #2:

To change the current ordinances in the Johnstown area to make them non-restricting to public nudity within the next two years.

The following is an outline as to how these goals can be obtained:

Rule #1: No community will be forced to change laws restricting nudity if the majority is not in favor of doing so.

First- Write to the boro or city in which the laws exist and ask for a copy of the current ordinances restricting public nudity.

Second- Start advertising in the area to find people for this campaign. Use local papers and run ads asking for volunteers. Once a local chairperson is located, help them set up a chapter of the nudity campaign. They will handle most of the operations from there. Also, locate 5 pollers in the area.

Third- Start polling in the area.

Fourth- Once a majority is achieved, find out the names and addresses of the council members in that area. They are the ones that can change the current laws or enact new ones. Find out what it takes to get new laws passed or old laws changed. Present your results to them to see if they are willing to go with the majority opinion on allowing public nudity in the area. If not, campaign against them. If so, campaign for them.

Fifth- Once the laws are in place, monitor the situation to make sure the laws are not repealed.

Form Letter #1- Letter to the boro or city asking for ordinance information. To be used by the chairperson in the area before any polling begins.


To: Boro/City of Anyplace

123 America Lane

Anyplace, USA 10000

From: Local Chairperson

123 America Lane

Anyplace, USA 10000

Dear Boro/City:

I am requesting a copy of the current ordinances in the Boro/City of Anyplace restricting public nudity. I would appreciate any help you could provide in this matter. If there are no such ordinances, please tell me. I will wait one week before looking into this matter further. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Local Chairperson

Clothing Optional Communities Campaign

Wait for one week. If no reply, go to the boro/city office personally and request the information or ask for where you can get a list of the laws in the area. Remember- You have nothing to be embarrassed about. The information is a matter of public record and you are entitled to have access to it.

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