"Is it because I sedated Bucky? Look, I'm sorry about that."

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"Well, that's my cue to leave."



I'm exhausted after our quick trip to Romania and all I want to do is sleep the weekend away before facing a bunch of snobby high-schoolers, but I can't do that. Instead, I have to hand deliver Steve's best friend - who I might add - isn't looking the least bit excited about seeing his best friend again.

Trisha, Jay, Bucky, and I all pile into the elevator as we head up The Avengers Tower in silence. I avert my gaze from Bucky's as he stands across from me and decide to focus on the changing scenery outside as the elevator slowly moves up.

The atmosphere is stifling to the point that I consider shooting the glass so that I can jump out and escape this awkward elevator ride. But I can feel Trisha watching me and I know that I won't be able to get my gun out without her tackling me.

"Hey man, I know you're nervous to meet the rest of them, but don't be. I'm sure they'll be happy to see you." Jay reassures Bucky as he pats his shoulder.

I watch the painful interaction and have to suppress the urge to groan at Jay's poor attempt of making Bucky feel better.

After Bucky woke up from his drug induced sleep - courtesy of me - he hasn't been at ease. I don't blame him really. If I were in his spot, I would've bolted the first chance I got, but surprisingly, Bucky obediently followed us - almost as if he didn't care what was waiting for him.

Once the doors to the elevator open up, I'm the first one to step out.

"Someone seems a little too eager to get out of that elevator." I hear Tony comment.

"Yeah something like that," I mutter as I step to the side to allow the others to exit the elevator.

Bucky is the last one to step out and by the time he does, a crowd has formed around the elevator. It's quiet for a few moments as The Avengers all look at Bucky in anticipation. It's as if they're waiting for him to say something, but what does a person say in his position?

Hi, sorry about wreaking havoc in the nation's capital and destroying S.H.I.E.L.D. and trying to kill some of you. I was brainwashed.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that wouldn't fair well.

I discreetly glance at Bucky and feel the slightest bit of pity as I see his uneasy expression. He looks like he wants to get as far away as he can from this room.

"Uh, maybe you guys can give him some space?" I awkwardly say, looking at our planet's mightiest heroes with a small frown.

A bunch of apologies are heard as The Avengers move away from the elevator to give Bucky some space. Steve and Natasha are the only ones that stand their ground, and I drag Trisha to the side so that we stand next to Tony as we watch Steve hug Bucky. Bucky's arms lay limply by his side before he slowly wraps his arms around Steve as well. I hear a soft sniffle and look over to see Trisha wiping her eyes. I smack her arm, frowning at her.

"Can you blame me? What if that were us? It's been 70 years since they've seen each other, and the shit they must've endured on their own for this moment to happen...." Trisha trails off as she wipes her tears away. I roll my eyes, but keep my mouth shut. This is typical Trisha. She's always been the compassionate one. The one to wear her heart on her sleeve.

Turning back to Steve and Bucky, I notice the others are slowly leaving the room. Grabbing Trisha's hand, I gently push her in the direction Tony is heading to as I follow her. Just before reaching the bend in the hall,  I glance back at the two men.

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