"I assume Corinna sedated our friend."

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"Is this what it's like to be in the FBI? Just sitting around in a van hoping that the person you're waiting on shows up?" Jay asks as he peers out the small window of our black SUV.

"Yeah, probably is. You know they wanted me to be a special agent of cyber crimes? I just didn't have the heart to say no so I told them I would get back to them." Trisha replies with a snort.

"Wow, what a nice story." I comment absentmindedly as I try to hack my way  into the Wi-Fi network of the restaurant we are situated in front of.

"Your sarcasm is not appreciated Corinna." Trisha replies turning around to face me since I was sitting in the backseat.

I look up at Trisha, arching a brow as I wait for her to say something.

"What are you even doing on your laptop? Are you trying to hack into the traffic cams?"

"No, I'm trying to hack the restaurant's Wi-Fi so that I can watch a movie." I reply, looking back at my laptop.

"I can't tell if you're being serious or not." Trisha says.

I hum in response, not really caring if she believed.

"Guys, look." Jay interrupts as he reaches over for his taser.

I look out the window and immediately spot a man that shares the same body build as the metal-armed psychopath. Sorry, I mean Bucky.

"Okay, Trisha and I will follow him. Jay, you follow us in the SUV just in case if things go south and I gotta take him out." I announce as I turn on the communication system.

"Take him out?" Trisha repeats incredulously.

"Yeah. Take him out with a shot of Dendrotoxin just incase he's still brainwashed and decides to whack us with his metal arm." I say nonchalantly as I step out of the SUV. "You guys can hear me right?" I ask as I place a finger over my earpiece.

"Yup." Jay replies, "Good luck. I hope you don't have to knock him out. He's been through a lot."

"Well it's not like I want to, but I will if I have to." I reply as I jog across the narrow street. I look over to the other side and notice Trisha is in step with me before turning to look back. Spotting Bucky's messy brown hair, I pick up my pace as I try to keep up with him. I make sure that there are a few people between us, just in case if he decides to look back and make sure he isn't being followed.

Trisha and I follow Bucky down the busy street for what seems like ages, but I'm pretty sure it's only been a couple of minutes.

"I wonder where he's going." Trisha says through the communication system.

"Hell if I knew." I mutter as I wrap my arms around myself as I continue to follow Bucky. He suddenly stops at a small, narrow intersection and I quickly stand off to the side and lean against a small brick building as I discreetly keep an eye on him. He scans his surroundings before deciding to cross the street, but he falters when he seems to see something. He turns his head in my general direction and I quickly look down at my phone, pretending to text someone as I tip my baseball cap over my eyes.

"I think we've been made." I say quietly as I slowly look back up and catch Bucky's gaze. We look at each other for a few seconds before he abruptly turns around to run away. "Trisha, he's headed your way!" I say before taking off after him.

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