Love Doctor

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"I'm not so sure its a good idea"

Guilmon said worriedly.

"Come on, don't you want Pam to notice you"

Terriermon said with his paw on his hips.

"How could she not notice me if we are staying together at my home"

Terriermon sweatdropped and face palm at Guilmon's naive little mind.

"Okay, let's go over this, one more time"

Guilmon groaned as Terriermon went over the plan on confessing his love to Pam. Its been three months since Pam arrived and yet there was still no progress on the device. Pam and Guilmon were able to get to know each other a lot more therefore it lead Guilmon to have more feelings for the feline digimon.

"You are going to first hand over Pamela the red roses, take hold on one of her hand and get down on one knee, you will have to look directly into her eyes for she can know your serious and say I Love You. There"

"That's it?"


"Then when do I get off my knee?"

"Until she confess that she loves you too"

"And if she doesn't?"

"She will"

"How are you so sure?"

"Because they don't call me the love doctor for nothing"

Terriermon said proudly, Guilmon gave him a look of confusion.

"I never heard anyone call you that?"

"Yeah well its the first time for everything. Now let's get you clean up, I have Calumon distracting Pamela for a while and it's almost sunsetting so they will be back pretty soon"


*15 Minutes Later*

Guilmon nervously cleared up his throat, he had the roses hiding behind his back from Pamela's view. Pam was sitting on top of the tree branch watching the sunset. When she heard Guilmon cleared up his throat she looked back and down towards Guilmon who was looking nervous. She curiously jumped down right in front of him.



"Are you okay?"


Guilmon began to get a bit nervous, he looked down at Gatomon into her blue eyes. Pam raised one eyebrow at the nervous posture of the red

"I...I got you roses"

Guilmon said with a blush lighting up his face as he handed Pam the roses catching her off guard.


Pamela blush lightly and smelled the roses.

"Their lovely. Thank you"

She said softly in a low voice but loud enough for Guilmon to hear. He nodded and got down on one knee and grabbed hold of Pam's paw catching her by surprise once again.

"I...I just....uh..I want y-you to know I...I... I l-love you."

He said stuttering. He shook his head and cleared up his throat.

"I mean, I love you. I love you Pamela"

Pam blush brightly at his actions and words.

"Guilmon...I don't know what to say"

"D-do you love me?"

Pam let out a sigh and pulled his claw signaling for him to stand up. Guilmon obediently comply.

"Guilmon, do you honestly feel this way?"

"I do, ever since I met you, I liked you"

"Well since we are being honest, I have to admit that I like you too but I'm not sure if I can say its love just yet but if you want we can go on dates for we can learn more about each other. What do you say?"

Guilmon happily smiled at the words and leaned down and gently kissed Pam on her cheek causing her to blush more and hid her face behind the roses.

"I like that idea"

"Good. Now it's already getting late, how about we call it a night?"


Guilmon went to his spot and got into his sleeping position and waited for Pam to go to her spot but was surprise that she set aside her roses, grabbed her blanket and laid down right beside Guilmon. Pam notice that he was staring.


Guilmon just smiled.

"Nothing. Goodnight Pam"

"Goodnight Guilmon"

Guilmon then shut his eyes for to got to sleep but was surprise when he felt a kiss on his cheek, he opened his eyes and looked down to see Pam laying down with her eyes close and blush on her face. Guilmon let out a happy sigh and settled back down closing his eyes once more.

*Next Day*

"Well how did it go huh?"

"Did you got to kiss her?"

Terriermon and Calumon asked excitedly to Guilmon who was trying to calm them down.

"Well, I told her everything"


Calumon asked impatiently but Terriermon quickly hushed him.

"And she said she likes me too but she's not sure if it love yet but we will be dating and getting to know each other more"

"Did you kiss her?"

Terriermon asked impatiently and it was now Calumon's turn to hushed him.

"I kissed her on the cheek and then she kissed me on the cheek"

Guilmon said with a blush.

"Yes the love doctor strikes once again"

Terriermon said proudly. Just then the trio saw Pam walking towards them on all four paws. Pam then stood on two legs with her front paws on her hips.

"So what are you guys talking about?"

She asked with a raised eyebrow.


They said all together. Pam simply smirk and walked up to Guilmon jumping into his arms as he easily caught her, she then leaned up to kiss him on the cheek in front of Terriermon and Calumon.


They said together causing Guilmon to blush.

"Congratulations you too"

Terriermon said happily.

"Yeah congratulations"

Calumon said with a smile.


Guilmon and Pam said together.


"How's the progress on fixing the device?"

Guilmon asked looking down at Pam who was laying down on her back looking up at the stars with him.

"Very slight progress but what's the rush? I am enjoying my time with you"

She said sincerely as she turn her head to look at Guilmon, she leaned up her head until her nose reached Guilmon's snout, rubbing against each other in a form of an eskimo kiss.

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