New Surprises

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Hey guys! So i know i've been all weird, saying im stopping the story for now, now doing this!

Over the past week I think, i've gained 4 more followers, and i've had people commenting on my story. It's actually a really good feeling, to see that email saying someone has commented. So thank you to those who did. I guess this chapter is for you guys in a way.  So thank you :)

P.S- Sorry this chapter my not be as long as I thought.

-Bella x

Niall's p.o.v 10:00am

"So Savan, how was that compition yesterday? Any hot girls?" Harry asked Savan as he shuffled through some sheet music.

"Of course you'd ask that Hazza." I said slapping him playfully on the arm.

Savan began to hand out some lyrics, "There was this one girl, I couldn't get my eyes off her. She was stunning, and an amazing singer too!" he replied.

"Did she win?" Liam asked curiously.

"No, well yes. She drew with someone else." Savan replied.

I looked down at the music Savan had handed me, while the others continued to talk about this 'girl'.

'You're a heartbreaker, oh yeah a heartbreaker.'

As I sung the line in my head, I imagined a girl, singing the second little part.

I sung it again in my head, it seemed like it would fit so perfect.

"Nialler!" Louis screamed into my ear, "Wakey, wakey eggs and irish stew."

"What?" I asked, snapping out of my thoughts.

"You weren't listening, so I yelled." Louis said with a smug smile, " You looked like you were having some very intense thoughts there."

"I was just singing the song in my head, but with a girl. It sounded good." I mummbled slightly.

"Louis. How about you try sing it with Niall?" Harry joked, "I'm sure you'd be the perfect girl."

"Harry, you're the only man for me." Louis said as he stood up, jumping on Harry, causing it to look like they were making out.

Savan sung it in his head, i could tell because he was mouthing the words.

"That would actually be really good." He said as he picked out his phone from his pocket, "Very good indeed."

"What are you doing?" Liam asked curiously.

"Texting Rami." he said simply, "You guys should mark out what you'd think would be good for a girl."

The boys and I, exchanged strange looks, "Okay then." I said moving my chair slightly to face the boys more.

"I think this part." Zayn said, pointing to the bridge of the song.

We continued on for a bit marking out the parts we though would fit well, till Savan's phone began ringing.

"Shania Twain? Why is she your message tone?" I asked Savan.

"She's a good singer okay!" Savan replied looking slightly embarrassed.

Savan looked up from his phone with a smile, "Hop in the car boys, we're going for a drive." he said as he put his phone in his pocket.

"Can we get food? Im hungry. We should get food." I asked standing up.

"A bit later, we have some stuff to do first, then i'll take you all to Nandos." Savan replied as he herded us out the door in a hurry.

We all got in the car, well more of a van really.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2012 ⏰

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