2: Medication (Edited)

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-Two weeks later-

"Is your room clean?" Hazel asks with a sweet smile.

I sigh but grin too, "Yes, Hazel."

She shrugs, "Okie-dokie, he can come over then."

I smile and text Percy right away.

Me: she said you can come

Percy: on my way 😎😊😋

Me: stop with the emojis

Percy: nevaaaa😎😜😲

I roll my eyes and toss my phone on my bed.

-Time skippio-

I am in my room with Percy. He's playing music from his phone (KISS, to be exact), and laying in my bed. I'm on my floor, shuffling my Myth-o-Magic cards delicately in my hands.

I hear Percy grunt and pat his chest quickly. I wasn't concerned; this happens a lot.

"You take your medicine?" I scowl.

He sighs, shaking his head, but doesn't speak to catch his breath.

I growl, "Percy!"

"I'm sorry!" he whines.

"You better be! This is your life Percy, our life! And it is the only one you'll ever get!" I pinch my nose, and drop my arm as I look down, my voice wavering. "Percy, just take your medicine. Please."

I hear him shuffle from my bed to the floor, and he embraces me in a warm hug.

"I'm sorry, baby. I will, I promise."

I nod, letting him hold me.

-time skip-

I hop into Sally's car. I would call it Paul's, but he died four months ago. Probably part of the stress that caused Percy's irregular heartbeat.

Speaking of the seaweed head, he hopped into shotgun. He buckled his seatbelt as I started the car up. We are on our way to another spontaneous doctor appointment; Percy's doctor gets on my nerves, she reschedules things for the next day and we don't know about it until we get a call to see if we are still coming. She acts like the world revolves around her and I hate people like that.

On our way, Percy turns the radio off.


I glance over at his green eyes, "Yeah?"

"What if it's getting worse?"

"Do you feel it getting worse?"

"A little."

I glanced over at him again, noticing the emotion in his eyes. Fear.

I move one hand down to hold his, "It'll be okay."

Out of my peripheral vision, I see him nod. He whispers an "okay."

The rest of the ride is silent.

-time skip-

He sat in the large patient chair, and I pulled a small chair to the side to sit next to him. He was worried. He said he'd been taking his medicine, which I believe, but I also know he's been more active than he is supposed to be. Not good.

The doctor, Dr. Shi, stepped in. She's an old, short, Asian woman, with caked makeup and short black hair. She wears a smile, but her eyes show exhaustion.

"Hello, Perseus." she greets, and ignores me.

"Is your mother here today?" she asks Percy.

He shakes his head.

Dr. Shi nods,  "Okay, than I assume you're here for support instead, Mr. . ."

"Nico is fine."

She smiles and nods.

She claps her hands together quietly,  "Well, let's get started, shall we?"

To be continued....
Also, I'm gonna just make this a regular book.

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