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"I want to drink moonlight and bathe in flower petals. To wear the earth, sleep in streams, and taste the stars."
—lace-and-peonies | 'My soul is wild, call me Witch'

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So I don't know how many of you are actually interested in this, but considering Between the Perennial Blooms hit 200k reads!!, I thought maybe I should do something a little different for those of you who have stuck around since I first started this book! Now I try to do my best to reply to every comment or message either posted or sent on my story or profile, so I feel like a lot of you have gotten to know my personality a bit through my replies. Nevertheless, for those of you who are maybe a little interested in getting to know a bit more about me (and if you're not then, like, totally skip over this update lol) I decided to do a little 'get to know' me Q&A! So here goes nothing, and feel free to comment and ask questions all you like or even reach out to me if I'm in your area!!

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Q & A

1.   How old are you?

— I'm a newly turned twenty year old!

2.   Where did you grow up?

— I grew up on a farm (stereotypical, I know) in a little town in Texas just south of Houston.

3.   Where do you live now?

— Currently, I share an apartment with one other roommate in Austin, TX.

4.   Do you have any siblings?

— In fact, I have two. An older sister and a younger brother (and yes, I have middle child syndrome lol).

5.   Do you have any pets?

— At home, a ton actually. Horses, heifers, steers, goats, chickens, dogs, a cat, a ton of bunnies, and at some point a pregnant fish that ended up having, like, a million babies. At my apartment? None. They're too dang expensive lol.

6.   What is your livelihood?

— As of right now, I work as a bartender at night and go to school for Cosmetology during the day!

7.   What are your hobbies?

— (lol makeup, hair^^) But I actually went to college for a year as an Art major until the money got to be too much, so I love any and all things art! My favorite media to use is typically watercolors and graphite and the occasional stick of charcoal will sometimes make its way into my art arsenal as well! On top of that though, I've been reading book after book since the moment I learned the alphabet and I haven't stopped since. I'm also a crazy music enthusiast and I love hiking!

8.   How did you get into writing?

— Well considering my love for books, it was kind of natural! When I was in Elementary School I was always on the Creative Writing UIL teams and English was always my favorite subject growing up. I was also the test group for a program called Capstone as well and all that class was, was like thirty page essay after thirty page essay lol.

9.   What are some of your favorite books or series?

— Well obviously the Twilight Saga lol. But I also really loved the Hush, Hush Trilogy, the Tiger's Curse series, LOTR (duh), Harry Potter (double duh), Witch Child by Celia Rees (I mean Jay-bird OMYGAWD!!), Song of the Sparrow by Lisa Ann Sandell, This Is How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz (so lovely, so sad), The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe, Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer (it's a true story and I cried reading the book and watching the movie lol), Palo Alto by James Franco, the classic novel: The Catcher In The Rye, and The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer Trilogy to name a few!!

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