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"Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything."
—C.S. Lewis | A Grief Observed

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She had always been a happy girl. Shy; yes, but happy nevertheless. People who met her often wondered how such a bright disposition could exist in such a small body, but that thought was always just as quickly neglected the moment they witnessed a testament to just how big her heart could truly be. Her love knew no bounds, and if anyone were to ask her how such a vulnerable organ could remain intact in a world so plighted with destruction, she would simply reply with a soft voice and a sweet smile. In chaos there is forgiveness, and in forgiveness there is love.

So perhaps Bailey Swan would never be understood.

Often times she found herself lost and in a daze. Her surroundings proved inconsequential compared to the fantasy worlds that lived on inside her head, and as she went about her life day-by-day, she traipsed along with all the grace of a fairy stolen from her rightful fairytale. She was beautiful and slight and small, and with her golden hair and baby blue eyes, Bailey Swan epitomized the breathing personification of a radiant beam of light. All who looked upon her had no option but to smile her way, and all who proved lucky enough to know her had no option but to adore her endlessly. She was desirable beyond measure, but even so, there was one who desired her above all.

So as the lion fell in love with the lamb, she did not flinch. For she was a wolf in sheep's clothing, and if he ever tried to destroy her, she would only destroy him in return.

Between the Perennial Blooms || Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now