Chapter One

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Ember Scott's Diary

13 May, 1811

Oh my. It has been quite the day. Alison, my dear friend, and I went to the market. At the market, Alison ran into the man she was previously engaged to, prior to finding that he was already married. But other than that, there was quite an interesting fellow we encountered. He was tall, towering over both myself and Alison by more than half a foot. His shining brown hair looked soft to the touch. With eyes such a bright as green as his, one would be surprised that no young lady had already attached oneself to his side. They were full of life, but held the wisdom of one centuries old, as though he had seen much in his time.

Although Alison and I have enjoyed our time together here in London, I am quite saddened to write that our time together has come to an end, for I must return to my home in Blanchland, Northumberland tomorrow. It is quite the journey,and I will not be able to return for many months, as I have many duties at home. I shall forever worry about poor, dear Alison however, as she is quite distraught about finding the man she once believed that she were to love, was already, in fact, married to another.

Until next time

Ember Lucy Scott

Letter, Alison Beckett to Ember Scott

London, England, 17 May

My dearest Ember

Though you left three days ago now, I am still saddened each day when I eat breakfast alone, with mother. But I am not the only one who seems to miss you. Do you remember that boy we saw at the market on your last day? The one with brown coloured locks and the green eyes that make a lasting impression on anyone he meets? The day prior to this, we saw each other at the market and he inquired to your whereabouts. I told him that you had returned to your home in Blanchland only a few days previous.

I was quite shocked to see how saddened he grew at gaining the knowledge that you had left for home. Perhaps he will make a trip to come to see you, lord knows I wish I could come to see you as well.

Mother has asked me to write to you so that she may "tell you off" for leaving so soon. She truly does miss you. She wishes that you and your parents would move back to London. Perhaps we could come see you instead in the next coming summer, so that she shall change her mind and we can move to Blanchland.

With a heart full of love

Alison Beckett

Ember Scott's Diary

19 May

Now late at night, with the sky filled with stars and the moon high overhead, I had enough time to write in this book. Today was not a good day, for mother, who was slowly declining in her health each day, had needed assistance with nearly everything she did. Father, the sweet man he was, was in and out of meetings all throughout the day. Unfortunately, the matter was not one that he could discuss with mother and I.

The doctor has told us that mother only has weeks left in her life at the very most, with no knew shocks. Father nearly broke down when he heard the news, and mother, she took the news quite well, comforting father while his tears shook us. The only thing joyous about the day was Alison's letter to me. Dated two days before today, and now the very thought of that day in the market makes me smile, for the handsome man thinks of me as I think of him. However, the more I think of him, the more I realise that it is quite strange, the way that he feels after only having one conversation with me. Alison makes it seem that I am the one he comes home to at the end of the day, when I am merely a girl he has met on the streets for a brief moment.

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