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Amy's pov:

We all sat in the break-room, me, Cheyenne and Garret sending weird looks to Mateo and Jonah. They looked to each other, Jonah raised his eyebrow and Mateo shrugged. Jonah nodded and looked back to the presentation, Mateo looked back at his phone.

"Psst, Mateo, what you doing on your phone?" Garret whispered. Mateo looked up to look at him.
"Messaging someone, may I ask why that concerns you?"

"Mateo! Are you even paying attention?" Dina asked, pausing the representation. Mateo looked at her blankly. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?" We tried to hold in the laughter.
"Then what was I talking about?"
"You were...talking about...things about-" Jonah coughed and lifted his hand to Mateo, pretending to cover his mouth.
"You were talking about sexual harassment?" Mateo asked. Dina nodded and continued the representation. Mateo silently thanked Jonah.

"I know, Amy. Something's up with them both." Cheyenne said, sitting next to Garret at the counter for announcements.
"But Jonah's not like the kind of guy to be gay." Garret pointed out. Dina came walking over to us and we all acted as if to be working.
"Jonah and Mateo have found a presumably dead guy in the sofa area. Go clean it up." We nodded and set off, raising an eyebrow at each other whilst coming up with a plan to get answers.

"Poke him."
"I'm not gonna poke him. He might he dead, crawling with germs."
"Jonah, you work at Cloud 9 there's no such thing as germs."
"Then you poke him."
"Give me your pen."
"What? Why?"
"To poke him with."

"You two ladies alright?" Garret asked.
"Check if he's dead." Jonah said. Garret reluctantly checked for a pulse.
He shook his head at us.
"You owe me."
"Why did we even bet on a dead guy?"
"Why not?"
Mateo handed over five dollars. Jonah held it up to the light.
"I'm not going to give you fake money, am I?"
"I work in the shopping business, you got to be ready for anything."
"You're getting rid of the body."
"Hell no, it's dead."
"It's going to be dead, Jonah."
"Sandra can."
"Fair enough."

"You two finished whining like bitches or can we discard the sofa and body?"
Garret complained. Cheyenne gasped.
"You can't get rid of the sofa, it's the fanciest one." Garret rolled his eyes.

"Fine, whoever stays on it longest, keeps it." Garret said, leaning back in the chair. Mateo rolled his eyes and looked around.
"Sandra? Sandra!" Sandra was walking past but practically ran to us when Mateo called her name.

"Hey, I was just going to the cafe but since you wanted me here I'm don't have plans. What you guys doing?" Mateo looked at her with an unknown emotion, stepping back he pointed to me. "What?" I asked him, my answer being a point to the dead body.
"You're going to get rid of the body." She frowned and went to get cleaning supplies.

"I have no-one to stay on the sofa with!" Cheyenne whined. Everyone looked to Mateo, but Jonah and Mateo himself, they were watching Sandra try and get rid of the body, both having a disgusted expression.
"Will you do it, Mateo?"
"What? Sure." Cheyenne grinned from ear to ear, as did we.

"Wait, what did I agree to?" Mateo asked. Garret explained the rules of the game to them both. Once each if them understood, Jonah and I headed off. "Have fun." Jonah joked to Mateo.
"I'll try."

*2 hours later*

Cheyennes pov:

Garret was here to make sure that we didn't cheat, Mateo was on his phone and I was describing giving birth to Mateo and try to disgust him. He nodded along, clearly not listening.
"I know because I had to help deliver my sisters baby..." he still didn't reply, just nodded.

I sat cross-legged as Mateo rested his legs on the table in front of us. Garret looked at me with a disgusted expression displayed on his face.
"So...I have a feeling you're dating Jonah. You know, because you're both being so close and the fact that he beat someone shitless for you...and the fact that we have evidence of you going somewhere with him yesterday after work." Garret leaned forward in interest. Mateo nodded, after a few seconds he slowly looked up from his phone.
"Evidence from who?"
"Not important."
"Show me." I got out my phone and put up the picture of them in the car laughing.
"Who's been stalking us?"
"You've not even got much evidence to prove anything."
"Not the fact that you both arrived early this morning, or the fact that you both blush when you're near each other, or you stand awfully close, maybe the fact that you are always together, and how he told you the answer this morning, or maybe the fact that he's always talking about you or you're always talking about him, perhaps it's because he's always got this letter you gave each of us in his pocket?" Mateo started at me in awe.

"You scare me sometimes Cheyenne."
"She wows me. Like holy shit, Cheyenne, how?"
"Changing the subject Mateo, are you dating Jonah?"
"It's not official, we've only been out once." I squealed and Garret triumphantly cheered.

~884 words~

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