Chapter 95: It's Pretty Clear That He Hates Us

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Rebecca's POV

After a boring class of math, learning about acute and right triangles, it's finally time for lunch.

I walk to my pink locker and do the combination and put my math textbook on the first shelf.

"Hey Rebecca!" Archie says as he walks down the hall towards me.

"Oh hi." I say to him.

"The whole gang was going to have lunch at Pop's. Are you in?" Archie asked.

"Yeah just give me a second." I say to him.

"Yeah sure. I'll meet you outside." Archie says with a smile.

I always get a bit nervous eating in front of people. I just can't handle eyes on me the whole time. It's one of the reasons why I barely eat.

I put my music notes from my locker in my bag. We have small quiz in music after lunch and I want to be prepared. I shut my locker and start to head out the front entrance of Riverdale High But Sweet Pea, Of fucking course, decides to get in my way.

"What do you want?" I asked as I put my hands on my hips.

"School's boring you?" He asked with a small chuckle.

"No! I'm going to lunch with my friends." I say as I push past him.

"You have friends?" He asked as he laughed and walked down the hall.


I get into my bubblegum pink Ferrari and drove to Pop's Chock'lit. As I arrived I parked in the front where the window I seen said hotdogs and hot soup.

I walked into Pop's and the door bell rang and I seen to the left the whole gang sitting at a booth. Archie, Betty, Veronica, and Jughead.

"Hey guys!" I say as I sit down beside Betty.

There was Jughead, Betty and I on one side of the booth and Veronica and Archie on the other.

"Hello guys! What kind of shakes does everyone want?" Pop said as he came to our table with a note pad.

"Strawberry please." Betty says to Pop with a smile.

"Chocolate." Jughead said.

"Neapolitan please Pop." I say with a smile as he lets out a small chuckle.

"I'll go for you new famous mint shake Pop." Veronica says with a sweet smile.

"I'll have a caramel milkshake." Archie says.

"Alright I will be back in a couple minutes." Pop says as he closes his note pad and walks to the kitchen.

"This is nice, we haven't gone out to lunch in a while." Veronica says with a smile.

"Yeah we should do this at least once a week guys." Archie says chiming into Veronica's statement.

"I'll try but I usually have been hanging out with the Serpents. And we have swords and serpents club every Thursday at lunch." Jughead said to Archie.

"Alright, we will make something work." Archie says as Pop comes with a tray full of milkshakes.

"Here's your order. Any food for this afternoon?" Pop asked.

"I'll have a bacon cheeseburger with curly fries." Archie says.

"I'll have a veggie burger with sweet potato fries." Veronica says as she smiles at Pop.

"I'll have a double bacon cheeseburger with onion rings." Jughead says as he takes a sip of his milkshake.

"Uhhh I guess I will have....bacon cheese fries." Betty says.

"And you Rebecca?" Pop asked.

"Ohhhh uhhhh no thanks." I say with a small smile.

"So what's new with everyone's classes?" Betty asks as she takes a long sip of her strawberry milkshake.

"Well Veronica, Rebecca and I had English first period with the new teacher, Mr. Violet." Archie says.

"Oh he was at Southside for about a month. How is he?" Jughead asked, suddenly intrigued in the conversation.

"He" I say to him, Jughead looked at me for a second and then rolled his eyes.

"He was very intellectual Jughead. It seemed like he knew what he was talking about." Archie says to Jughead.

"We has this debate in history today and Toni definitely won." Betty says.

"What do you mean?" I asked Betty.

"Well the debate was about females becoming presidents. Some of the class was saying it's impossible but somehow Toni convinced them." She says to me.

"That is so great for my little gem stone!" Veronica says with a smile as she rapidly and repeatedly claps her hands together.

"Food is ready." Pop said as he sets the food down at the table.

"Thanks Pop." Archie says as everyone grabs what they ordered.

"What about you Jug? What class did you have this morning?" I asked him as I rested my arms on the table.

"Science. We are going to build electric cars tomorrow." He says as he one of his onion rings.

"Fun." I say with a smile.

"Jughead are you okay?" Veronica asked him.

"Pfft...why wouldn't I be okay? I mean it's not like my friend and my somewhat friend turn their backs on me." Jughead said as he looked out the window.

"Not this again Jug." Archie says as he shakes his head.

"I thought we worked this out babe." Betty says to him as she puts her hands on his.

"Am I the friend or the somewhat friend?" Veronica asked.

"You're the friend." Jughead said as I can feel his cold dead stare at me.

"Jughead, Rebecca and Veronica can't control their dad's Okay?" Archie asked Jughead.

"No no Archie. You can let this slide but I won't. I won't let Hiram take anymore of the Southside and I definitely won't let Randall anywhere near the Serpents. It's pretty clear that he hates us." Jughead said.

"Jug my-." I say. It was all I could get out.

"You know what? I think we're done. Pop check please?" Veronica says to Pop who was at the cash till.

We all stood up and started walking over to pay at the front. As soon as I got up it felt like the world was spinning for a second. That's weird.

"You Alright?" Betty asked me as she put her hand on my back.

"Y-yeah."I say as I start to walk over to the front.

My legs feel like jello, I felt my heart almost beating out of my chest. I wonder if anyone else can hear my heartbeat? It feels hard to catch my breath. I'm trying to breathe and I feel like I'm taking in nothing.

"Rebecca You Okay?" Archie asked as he waved his hand in front of my face.

His face is starting to get blurred, I'm seeing white spots all over the room, I feel a ringing in my ear that's getting louder and louder.

"Rebecca?" Archie asked.

I take one breath and I see black.

⭐️Why happened to Rebecca?!??


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