35 - We Have to Go

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A/N: Before continuing, I feel it fair to let you know that this chapter was named both for its content and the song I listened to while writing it. If you'd like to enhance your experience, I suggest you listen to "We Have to Go" by Steve Jablonsky while reading.

The Goblin lowered its ramp over one of the large platforms just barely keeping itself from dipping into the ocean. Gates waved everyone forward and off the ship, then turned to the pilot.

"Stay close, we might have to make a hasty exit!"

"Understood ma'am," he replied, "I'll stand by and provide aerial support as needed!"

Nodding in gratitude, she leapt out of the drop bay and onto the slick metal where her team was waiting. "Alright, people- we're going to stop this thing at all costs. That means getting the Architect wherever she needs to be in order to shut it down-"

A crackle of radio static interrupted her orders as her comlink picked up someone broadcasting on an open channel. "What are you doing? Get out of here!"

She could barely contain herself as she recognized the voice on the other end. "Tobias? Is that you?"

"Elizabeth? What the hell are you doing here? I saw your dropship-"

"We're with Al'cor," she answered, looking around as though expecting him to materialize. "She thinks she can shut down the weapon!"

"That's what we're doing! There's going to be-"

All at once, the spinning rings of the fold weapon began to light up and hum with energy. A faint shimmer seemed to flow forward, connecting each set of rings together and bringing their charge forward. Far ahead towards the ocean side, a flash of blue light burst into existence and seemed to hover within the air. She couldn't see it clearly at this range- it appeared to just be a massive blue orb of energy.

"Well, that's not good."

"It's a portal! Spyglass is using it to transport the nanites- we're going to try and destabilize it!"

Finally, a solid plan. Checking the magazine of her R-201, Gates slapped the stock happily and readied it against the crook of her arm. "Then that's where we're heading."

"Are you serious? Just-"

"We're not just going to watch as you try to get yourself killed again," she cut him off, "we'll make sure to take it down if you aren't able to! Now, which way-"

A large explosion and burst of ballistics could be heard towards the front of the weapon, and she turned her head towards the noise. "Alright, just follow the gunfire- simple enough."

She looked at the group before her; Davis, Gray, Fallon, Buck, Vale, Rose, and Al'cor all watching her expectantly. They weren't the only ones- behind them, she could see a group of spectres heading their way with weapons at the ready. Each of the Pilots returned the action in kind.

"You know, there's a good chance we're all gonna die, El."

"Then you know what they say; make sure hell's awfully crowded when you get there."


"El? Gates! Dammit, this is not the time for-"

"On your left!"

Heeding KT's advice, he stuck out his arm and preemptively caught the fist of a Tone as it swung at him. Twisting it around his shoulder, he flipped the Titan over and onto its back before thrusting his own fist through its optic and crushing its internal systems.

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