7 - Crossing the Divide

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A/N: This chapter is actually a fan-story that was originally written by HeliumFilaments on Fanfiction.net, one that she wrote about Tobias and Kay for me to read. I told her that her writing was so good that (with some minor editing) I was willing to make it canon. She was ecstatic upon hearing that, and got a shoutout on the latest chapter for it on my FF version of Cinder.

Since she doesn't upload here though, a shoutout doesn't exactly cut it, and I just decided to include it here as a way for you all to see the context under which KT and Tobias are meeting again in the latest chapter. Don't worry, the next true update will be up in a few hours after this. 

With that aside, happy reading!


TIME: 19:14 HRS


Hours felt like days waiting for dusk to come. Sunset rays of fire rippled off the ocean wave crests rolling into the pier. Red light fading over the staggering metropolis of Yaverna set the city ablaze under the falling sun, highlighting the ragged figure of a man who stood with fists clenched as he overlooked the filth around him. A familiar towering frame stood nearby, her eye scanning the area for any approaching hostile activity.

This wasn't exactly the happily ever after he'd imagined. Where he saw vast grass fields sprinkled with wildflowers and KT sitting pretty amongst them, it became the bitter reality of dirty, rotting alleyways and streets the Titan would patrol for his safety. His eyes looked over her dirty chassis and he sighed in discontent. He had promised her a new life for the both of them and he'd somehow fucked that up, no thanks to Spyglass' interference. A loud, unexpected crack of thunder made him jump as he turned around to see an inbound storm approaching behind them. How long had they been standing here? Regardless he nudged her leg and motioned for them to move, the Titan obliging without hesitation as he embarked.

"Come on, Kay. Let's go home." He sighed, not exactly pleased with what home actually meant.

Nightfall came relatively quick. The swirling grey clouds seemed to layer over and over until the sky was choked black with the torrential downpour of the acid rainstorm. Tobias hid their ship well by lodging it within an abandoned garage deep in the slums of the city. It was best to hide in plain sight, though the lack of real security on Luma helped.. He'd learned how to mask his energy signature within the confines of the erratic thunderstorms that would engulf Luma, effectively counteracting any eyes Spyglass had searching for him. Homeless wandered through the trash ridden streets, lighting fires in empty oil barrels and building shelters of tarps and scrap metal.

It wasn't pretty, but it kept them both off the radar.

"Ration count; two hundred and sixty seven. Fuel and ignition reserves are enough for a max of three months before we need to replenish." Tobias set his helmet down on his desk and smiled weakly at her as she scanned the barracks.

"Sit down, Kay. Don't worry about it." He huffed, undressing himself out of his worn Pilot suit. Kay, now housed inside the chassis of a worn-down white Ion, sat herself down in front of the closed ramp; wary yet relieved at the chance to relax.

"But I do worry, Tobias. If I don't, who will?"

"I will, but another time. Please, just rest. It's been a long day."

She nodded as he took a seat in the middle of the room across from her, clothed in only a dark grey tank and navy blue boxers as he wrung his sopping wet suit into a small bucket. Kay studied him as he tended meticulously to the task at hand. Lately he became obsessed with his new routines consisting of organizing things with a profound OCD. Stubble began to grow on his face, and his now-shaggy hair was starting to dip into his eyes. His structured jawline and strong yet soft eyes still threatened to melt her heart with every endearing gaze he gave her. His hands were scarred and constantly oil stained from mechanical repairs on her chassis. He swore that, these days at least, it seemed like nothing wanted to work properly anymore. Fortunately, his clipped fingers no longer hindered him and he could properly aim a rifle with his crippled hand.

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