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"Autobots," Magnus began once every bot and human were in the Harbinger. "We remain vastly outnumbered and, despite our munitions, do not currently possess the firepower necessary to compromise the Decepticons Citadel."

"Uncle Sam's military does," Fowler replied. "I just can't let it make a move as long as Megatron's ray guns are pointed at Washington."

"Then we must infiltrate Darkmount in order to nullify it's fusion cannons." Magnus proposed, prompting another unsure look to cross Ailani's face — whom was painfully out of the loop.

"Unfortunately it seems the fortress is heavily shielded against unauthorized ground-bridges, even those originating from Decepticon technology." Ratchet revealed.

"Guess we'll have to sneak past enemy lines, wrecker style." Wheeljack smirked, hitting his fist against the palm of his servo.

"I couldn't deal with 'wrecker style' back on Cybertron and I refuse to deal with it here." Magnus reprimanded immediately, prompting a low grunt out of Ailani.

"What'd I tell you about loosening up, Peterbilt?" Ailani said under her breath, nudging the mech's cheek with her elbow. "Lighten up."

"There is no 'lightening up' in situations like these, Dunne." He replied steadfastly, not even chancing her a glance.

Ailani scowled. Okay, dickbag.

She rolled her eyes and set her cheek in the palm of her hand whilst crossing one knee over the other, intently trying to focus on the pulsing light on the other side of the room instead of his rudeness.

"Now we require a means of thinning the Decepticon ranks to even the odds," Magnus continued evenly. "If we're to have any hope of completing this mission or of surviving it."

"Oh how dramatic." Ailani grumbled bitterly, eyes narrowing as she tapped her gloved finger against her skin.

All in the room, except Miko (who sniggered) ignored her comment and went about their assigned tasks for Magnus' mission to infiltrate Darkmount.

Ailani was set down amongst the other humans, whom all waited for Ratchet to set in the coordinates for where they were supposed to lead the Decepticon vehicons to. Ailani was to stay put, of which was Magnus' unspoken order, where he could keep an eye on her until it was his turn to leave.

"Miss Dunne," she heard Ratchet call to her suddenly, prompting her to look up with an unintentional scowl on her face. "We could use your assistance on the monitors."

Suddenly overjoyed at the idea of doing something, Ailani pushed herself off of the wall and into the servo of said mech; who lifted her up and set her down beside Raf.

"I have five bogeys converging on top of Jack." Raf informed.

"Not anymore." Ratchet countered whilst activating the ground-bridge to bring Jack back from where he was sent.

Once he was in and the 'OK' signal was given, Ratchet proceeded in giving Miko the go on her part of the plan.

"Decepticreeps are on the move." Ailani revealed, prompting Ratchet to repeat what he did in bringing Jack back.

"I really could have used that pizza." Miko said upon jumping through the ground-bridge.

"I've tapped into the Decepticon communications network," Ratchet overlooked Miko's comment. "Are you ready Jack?"

He cleared his throat. "Decepticon command, do you read me?"

"I remain unconvinced." Magnus spoke up questioningly.

Automative Repairs ((TFP ULTRA MAGNUS X OC))Where stories live. Discover now