{2} Make Friends it'll be Good for You

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I fluttered my eyes awake only to realize that I was still stuck in this Hell Hole. I turned my attention over to the door as my nurse Janice cane walking through it.

"Morning," She smiled to me as she readjusted my IV.

"I'm assuming I passed out again?" I asked while watching her play with the various machines that I was connected to.

She paused and her expression changed into one i've never seen before. One filled with confusion and remorse.


She walked herself over and sat at the edge of the the bed. "You had a seizure Rose," she told me in a monotoned voice. Her voice was not upbeat like usual. It had no emotion.

What? A seizure, I'm not that sick am I?

"What?" I took a long pause and inhaled deeply.

"I guess I really am sick now...What's wrong with me." I spat out while staring at the ceiling.

"Rose..." She turned her head slightly and looked at me with overly sympathetic eyes.

"I'm am nothing I should have just ended it when..." I spat out, but Rose interrupted me before I could finish.

"Stop! and don't ever say that about yourself Rose" She sternly said to me.

"Say what? The Truth!" I sat up and raised my voice harshly at her. Wincing because that took a lot of strength to do. She gave me a "You did not just say that look" and waited for an apology.

"Sorry..." I muttered back then I slouched back down on the cold bed. Knowing that my yelling isn't making anything better.

"You need to go eat, and make some friends it'll be good for you." She said to me as she quickly pulled the IV from my arm. I winced in pain. She wiped the blood and placed a bandaid over the wound.

"I don't want to," I complained like a fiver year old. She just ignored me and slid on my shoes.

"I don't care what you want to "do" your getting out," She said dragging out the "do" and forcefully pulled me up off the bed.

I wobbled for a moment then regained my balance. She exited the room and left me to myself. I decided it'll be good to go explore. I made my way out of my room and into the long eerie hallway. It was lined with many more rooms just like mine, and occupied by many insane, sick kids just like me.

I stopped in front of one door that was open. I decided to look in because the decor caught my eye. It was a guys room several records of various bands lined the walls. An unmade was resting in the corner, and the walls were cracked, offwhite, and peeling just like mine. I stared at room for moment later before I decided to move on.

I continued to make my way to the Cafeteria. I struggled but finally opened the large heavy wooden doors and walked inside. The unpleasant sent of fish sandwiches and mashed potatoes filled my lungs. I held my hand over my mouth before I gagged. I found the snacks, then I walked over to the racks of potato chips, and grabbed a bag off of the shelf. I sighed knowing that I had to get a plate of the inedible food the cooks had prepared. I got in line and grabbed a plate of food. I looked around at all the tables until I saw an empty one in the corner. I walked over and sat down. I pushed the tray aside and began munching on my potato chips. Allowing the salty flavor to fill my tastebuds. Not wanting to draw attention to myself I kept my head down, staring at the design on the cold metal table. I quickly glanced up when I heard the sound of a tray hitting against the opposite side of the table. There, standing infront of me awkwardly was a boy. He was wearing a Green Day shirt on top of a longsleeve black and white striped undershirt. I furrowed my eyebrows at his presence.

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