Chapter 5 - The Date

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Chapter 5 - The Date

"Where are we going?" I asked casually as Mikael stepped in line with me.

It was Saturday.

Prior to today, Mikael had advised me to dress warm and I wasn't going to ask why. The weather here in New York was cold and I had indeed dressed warmly in jeans and a green sweater that was accompanied by a white knitted scarf and a light brown coat.

All in all, I thought I looked pretty presentable.

He, on the other hand, looked incredibly handsome and that was according to me and probably all the women on the pavement which was based on the stares that were given to him.

He was dressed in a grey jumper with dark jeans and I could see the collars of a black dress shirt peeking from the neckline of the jumper and a well fitted black coat hung on his frame.

Mikael flashed me a grin as he opened the door for me and I murmured my thanks before sliding into the car. "Please don't say its a surprise, because it's ridiculously cliché," I added as an afterthought when Mikael opened his mouth.

He barked out a laugh and ran one of his hands through his tousled brown curls.

My heart thumped at the sight.

"Of course not. We're going ice-skating."

I blinked. "Huh?"

"We're going ice-skating," he repeated with a gleam of mischief in his eyes.

I pursed my lips, feeling a sinking sensation in the pit of my stomach. "Why?"

"Well, you've mentioned that you've never done it ever since you fell when you were a child. So, why not conquer your fear? I promise I'm pretty good."

I stared at him, hesitating and mostly knocked off my feet. How did Mikael even remember that mere tiny detail about me? In fact, I only recalled talking about it for a few seconds that day in the diner that he brought me.

"You remembered that," I blurted out and he quirked up an eyebrow.

"Was I not supposed to?"

"Well, I barely mentioned it," I mumbled before staring at him with wide eyes. "I honestly didn't think you'd remember that."

Mikael's eyes softened and I knew he could see the war of emotions on my face and I hated that I was showing my insecurities in front of him.

Hastily, I cleared my throat before shrugging casually. "I meant to say that it was hardly an important fact so I didn't expect you to remember that or anything like it's not a favourite colour or - you know what I mean," I rambled off, trying to take everything in stride.

Thankfully, Mikael understood that I wanted to change the topic and he did. "Lexi, if you wanted to avoid falling, you could have just said so." He flashed me a smirk and my jaw dropped.

My eyes grew impossibly round as I stared at him. "Excuse you!" I exclaimed indignantly before buckling the safety belt. "I'll let you know that I'm a very fast learner."

"Really?" How was it possible for Mikael to sound positively patronising and doubtful at the same time, I'll never know.

"Yes and I'll show you!" I huffed and I could hear Mikael chuckle lowly before he started the car.

* * *

"I take it all back. I'm sick. I twisted my ankle." I stared at the wide expanse of ice and the skates on my feet.

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