Mission Accomplished!!!!

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It’s  8:10. The sky is getting darker. I can hear muffled noises and happy chirpings. Girls have gathered in the hostel tennis court and are dancing with the falling rain. While everyone else is enjoying the noir of nature I am paranoid by the pouring sky. The sky is covered with black clouds which are pouring profusely. It seems like a large army of knights in black armour is showering their rage at their enemies. I hope to find my knight in shining armour. 

“Devika is such a bitch. I think she is jealous of me.” Niharika enters making a face.

“Why? She refused to sign???” I faked disappointment.

“Oh my baby, you still underestimate me. Yes she was hard to please but you know I would have never given up. ” Roopa smiled handing me the application. I saw Devika’s signature. That doesn’t cheer me up.

I must agree Roopa’s ability to convince is enviable. She has always been a charmer. Her charisma follows her everywhere. Nobody is unaffected by her charms. She always has her way. Fun loving and a party animal. Wish for it and she has it all!!! Rich parents, latest gadgets, her fuller bust, slim waist line held by her long pair of legs, which would play the best basketball in the college. Her long oval face was gifted with the perfect pair of smoldering eyes that always had a hint of kohl. Her dusky complexion looked perfect with her brown hair which adorns a new hairstyle every single day!! The only average in her list was her academics. But who cares when you have all she does!

“That’s great but what happened to Niharika??? Why is she sulking? I asked.

“The usual.  Vikas ” Roopa replied

“Oh. Hey cheer up Niharika. It’s not a big deal what Devika says. Ignore” I tried comforting Niharika

“I don’t understand why Devika always has to bring him up. Why can’t she mind her own business? ” Niharika snorted.

“May be she is jealous.” Roopa said and winked at me.

I hate Roopa when she does so. Given a chance and Niharika wouldn’t stop blabbering about her perfectly crafted appearance and how people always hate her because of it. I won’t say she wasn’t good looking. In fact she was the best looking girl in our college but her vanity makes me agitated.

“Or maybe Devika likes Vikas.” I mocked anticipating it would stop her blabber.

“What does that mean?” Niharika asked with her widespread eyes.

I was in no mood of answering her dumb queries. She fires them with a gun which is never short of bullets.

“Stop it Niharika and get ready. You will take a good half an hour deciding the perfect hue for a rainy day.” Roopa giggled.

“Don’t you worry. Already done that.” Niharika pointed to a pink cardigan, a violet overcoat with yellow stripes near the collar, pockets and the cuff lings, a parrot green muffler and brown coloured tights lying amongst many other colourful eclectic collection of clothing on her bed.

“Wow seems like people are going to witness a rainbow along with the rains.” Roopa said and we burst out laughing. 

“There is going to be no rainbow until the sun shines.” Niharika said ignoring the sarcasm.

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