The end of this book

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Hay so...this book is dead I barely post on it so I'm done here

Thank you to all the wonderful comments and votes I really appreciate but now it's time I leave it here so I am going to make this short and sweet but I have to do my top 3 series I wrote in this book from 1 being the best

1-royal world-I know it maybe have not been everyone top favourite but I really like writing them I dunno why

2-at school with Conor Maynard-this was a favourite I got dms saying it's the best series I write and when I ask for request all people wanted was that and they didn't care what it was about

3-snapchat-I find them so fun to edit my favourite one was the recent one I've done so check it out if you haven't

And also I have to rank my top 3 images that wasn't a series as well from 1 being the best aswell

1-Romeo and Juliette-loads of people liked this one but also I'm kinda into Shakespeare's and kinda fairytale I know that sounds childish or cringed but I dunno why I just love it

2-yours and his first vidcon p1 & p2-I Just liked writing about it dunno why I think because there was drama

3-protective near the boy-again dunno why I picture conor to be protective just do and also in my other books you may realise conor really over protective

So there you have it! The end of the book! Thanks again for all the support you gave me I really put loads of effort into this book and I do in the books I'm writing now and what I've done in the past

Also don't worry maybe in the future they be some sort of images of the buttercream gang or something but not just yet so don't beg me because it won't happen

Anyways I love you all and as I finished this book it was 1/4/18 and it was Easter! So happy Easter

-Evie xox


Jk it is ending sorry it had to be double April fools!

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