Meeting his family

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Jack and Conor said to you there off to film the sibling tag with there little sister Anna who lives in Brighton

"Hay Conor has y/n met the fam" jack asked

"Nope" he says popping the p

"Awe why can't she come to meet them now?" Jack asked

"If she wants to come than yes" Conor says

"Y/n you coming?" Jack asked

"Err I guess I can I have no plans today so yeah if that's okay with you guys" you said

"Yea it's fine no worries" Conor says you can tell he is nervous

Later on at there house.... "knock knock"

"Hi boys we have missed you" there mum says

"Yea same this is y/n Conor's girlfriend he been telling you about" jack says introducing me

"awe Conor this is her then hello darling" his mom says

"Hello nice to meet you" you say smiled she invited you all in the livening room

"Alright dad" Conor says

"Alright boys" his dad says

"hay you must be y/n Conor told me about you" his dad says you smile and nodded you all chatted until

"JACK CONOR!!!" a 16 year old girl comes down

"Hay there trouble" jack says

"ready to film and I have so much to tell you and-" he paused

"Con is that your girlfriend?" she asked

"Yeh her names y/n and you to are kinda similar so let's see how you get along"

"Oh well I'm Anna hi" she says

"Hi I'm y/n I love your top" you say

"Awe thank you your make up is like amazing can you teach me" she asked

"Of course right now?" You asked

"Yea let's go now come on" she says you look over to Conor and he nodded

"Come on let's go!!" You go with her you already feel comfortable

Hayyy hope you liked this one see you later on -Evie xxx

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