Chapter 10: Desired Power

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I woke up the next morning, ready for the day ahead. All I had to do was get him to let me leave. That simple.

I looked around camp. "Where's Peter?" I ask.

They all look at me. "We haven't seen him since last night."

"Oh. Okay then." I say. Alex walks up to me.

"Please don't go." He begs.

"Alex, I have too. I have to start off somewhere new." I try to get him to understand be he just doesn't.

Will walks up to me. "You're not gonna try to leave, right?"

I kneel down to him like I did before "I have to Will. It's best for me."

"What do you mean? You can't leave me. All of the boys love you. We need you." He started to cry.

"I-I will come back." I lied. I felt horrible but I had too.

"You promise?" He asks.

"I-I...." I looked up at Alexander. My eyes meet the ground. "Where could Pan be?"

"His thinking tree," Will says. He tells me where it is. I stand back up and look at both of them, wrapping them in my arms.

"I will miss you both." I murmur.

I was on my way to him. I finally found his tree with him up in it, leaning against it on a branch.

"Peter!" I yell, causing him to jump at my presence.

"What do you want?" He asks bitterly.

"I just w-" I was cut off by someone unexpectedly putting a knife to my throat from behind me. He injected something into me and I suddenly became weak.

"What are you doing?!" Peter yelled furiously at the other boy.

"If I cant have her then nobody can!" The boy yelled. I recognized it to be Logan.

He held me up as I stood there helpless. I was scared, crying. "Shut up!"

"Don't talk to her like that Logan! Get away from her!" He ordered, appearing in front of him.

"Take one more step and she will die." His grip tightened, causing the blade to draw some blood.

"I see how it is. You think you can win this?! You think you have power.."

"I DO HAVE POWER! YOU LOVE HER AND WE CAN ALL SEE!.... listen. Let's make a deal." He pauses, looking at me and then Peter. "I will let the girl live if... you give me the island."

Peter gets infuriated at him getting close but not close enough to hurt me.

"I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen!" He says in a low, demanding voice. "You WILL let her go now! If you decide to go against me you will die AND YOU WILL BE RIPPED TO BLOODY PIECES IF YOU EVER HURT HER!!!!!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

I could hear him breathe a laugh before his arm jerked and I dropped to the ground. Not realizing what just happened, I look to Peter who took the boy by the shirt and pushed him up against a tree.

He plunged the knife into Logan's chest and then proceeded to do as he said he would. I couldn't watch the horrific scene.

I noticed that I wasn't breathing right. Blood was dripping down my neck and I felt lightheaded. I tried to yell but I found myself gasping for air instead. I felt no pain but only a warm feeling streaming down my neck.

I put my hand on my neck. I felt something wet, pulling my hand away. It was blood. I felt nauseous and I freaked out.

Peter, with blood on his hands, had picked me up. My head was on his chest. I felt my world go dark.


I woke up in a makeshift infirmary. Looking around, I see a bloodied sheet over what could make out, a body. It was Logan's.

I freak out and start screaming. Two lost boys ran in asking me what was wrong. One got the message and moved the corpse.

I cried through the pain in my neck. Alex ran in, pushing the other boys out of the way.

"MOVE!" He pushed. "Ryan! Ryan. It's okay. It's okay. Everything is going to be fine. Calm down. Sh sh sh shhhh." His voice was soothing. I was clinging to it.

"I'm gonna die," I whispered to him.

"No, you're not. Pan has healed you somewhat. He will heal you the rest of the way later. You will survive."

I started to panic again. "Ryan. Calm down. Sh sh sh shhhh. Pan saved you. You are safe." 

My mind took me back to what I just went through. Pan saved me. He actually loved me. He really saved me. No. He... no.

He probably only had too because he didn't want what he was using hurt. People don't love me. They never do.

Alex sits in a chair next to me, arms resting on his knees, fists brought up to his mouth. He was stressed. I felt for him.

I started to relax and close my eyes but that was until Peter walked in.

"Where is she? Where's Ryan?" He asks eagerly. It seemed no one could answer him fast enough.

"Over here Pan," Alex says. I catch a glimpse of Peter. He seemed scared beyond belief. He was truly worried about me. Why?

He looked at Alex. "Do you mind if I have a moment with her?" Alex seemed shocked that he asked. He looks at me to see if I was okay with it. Slightly I nodded my head.

Alex left and Peter took his place. I had questions but when I looked at him I seemed to lose my train of thought.

I managed to get one word out. Turns out that's all I really needed. "Why?"

He stutters at first but tells me what he knows.

"Logan has always been one of the boys who were more ruthless than the others. I knew the want for more power would get to him but I never thought you would be involved. I have threatened him in the past but I would have killed him a long time ago if I wanted too. I wanted to keep him but when he hurt you I-I couldn't control myself. I'm sorry you had to see that." He confesses.

"You saved me." I murmured. He didn't say anything back. His hand rested on the bed. It was close to mine, so I grabbed it, intertwining our fingers.

I knew what I was doing. I knew that I didn't know what I was doing. All I wanted was to hold his hand.

I didn't look up to see his reaction. I simply just closed my eyes and fell asleep, feeling something I didn't want to feel with him but I did.



Awwwwwww tis very much love!!!!!

The couldn't leave like she wanted to.

Do you guys think that she will decide to stay or continue to leave him? Answer I. The comments!!!

I will try my best to update quickly!!!

Love you all my loveliest lovelies!!!!!

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