Would you.....?

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The leaves of the tree looks like the wings of the butterfly

When death feels sweeter than life

When you have no idea why you are crying for...

When there is nothing you can do

Will you still say I should at least try?

Are you scared that your dreams will die?

sheltered in a bubble that you could hardly spy

Wait for the wind

It can actually take it higher

But would you?

Will you still break down because you feel you are made of glass

Is it harder for you now that you know what your problems are?

When you don't get anything without fighting for

Would you still cry when tears dry up faster than they fall?

When your nails shine brighter than your future

When people just laugh at your war battered clothes

Do you give up? Or do you think its worth fighting for?

Would you?

Nothings easy nothings easy at all you need to define what is easy

Would you stay or go back home?

Would you protest or stay calm?

Or would you cry over your helpless state and

write down what you wanted to ask yourself?

Or would you go back and make things change

Would you?


Hey I am back after a long time, this time what i have for here is completely unedited version what came in my head during a break down. The lines are simple and maybe also repeated.

Even though its titled Would You? ... the writing is something i wanted to ask myself, In the state i was i couldn't completely put what i had in my head much i didn't i couldn't pen it down.

Writing is something what I do when I am having my bad days, I would love to hear from you what you do to cope up. Feel free no one will judge you here and no one should either

-Love your Ray

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