In Consequence - Chapter 14

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Sorry for the long lag between chapters. I'm hoping my next one will post sooner. 


Two gray-garbed men shuffled into the doorway of the Master’s office the next afternoon, one sneering doubtfully at this intrusion and the other eyeing the mill owner scribbling at his desk with caution. 

Mr. Thornton finished the tabulation he had been making and put his quill in its place. Raising his eyes at last to the figures standing just inside his office, he gave an inquiring look to his overseer.

“This ruffian claims you’ve offered him work with a message from your own hand,” Mr. Williams reported derisively, a grin of amusement poised to witness the Master’s retort.

“Nicholas Higgins, sir,” the stranger announced himself properly, a tinge of defiance in his tone. The long-time mill worker held himself erect with cap in hand, fastening the shrewd glimmer of his eyes on the Master.

Mr. Thornton studied the union leader with great interest at this revelation. He had long been curious to see the man who had earned Margaret’s friendship and was deemed worthy enough by her to be called by his Christian name. The spark of old jealousy flared for a moment until he cast it aside as illogical. Had he not won her whole affections?

With a jerk of his head he dismissed his overseer and continued to study with a darkening frown the man who had helped engineer the strike. He stood up to close the door behind Higgins, reminding himself that he had indeed promised work for this man. The hope that had impelled that act now seemed clouded with the familiar pall of bitterness and doubt.

“I’ve come to see if your offer still stands,” Nicholas put forth, swallowing his pride with a steady voice of calm resolve.

“You’ve taken your time in replying,” the Master shot back as he crossed his arms, waiting to hear his story.

“I weren’t certain yo’ wanted my help, or if you’re just wantin’ to please a bonny face,” he replied frankly, meeting the flash of the Master’s eyes with a steely gaze.

Indignation rose from Mr. Thornton’s breast at his impertinence, but he could not help but admire the brazen man’s honesty.

“I need work. You drive a hard bargain, but I reckon you’re the fairest of the lot,” Higgins declared, crumpling the cap in his broad hands in his anxiety.

“Thank you….I think,” Thornton answered sarcastically, giving the union leader a penetrating look with the merest gleam of humor.

Higgins’ keen eyes twinkled and a grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. “You’re not making the men swear against Union,” he continued. “All the other masters have it in their head that they can force men to do against their own will,” he stated, giving the Master a challenging glance.

“I’ll not make liars out of men. It’s not my business what they do with their wages, but it is my business to decide what those wages are,” the Master declared, piercing Higgins with a stare that dared him to claim otherwise.

“Yo’ve a right to do as you see fit, and I’ll not say a word agin’ yo’,” Higgins conceded. “But if I see yo’ doing wrong - if the men get to grumblin’ that yo’ve not done right by us, I promise to come tell yo’ in private. And if we canna see our way to agree wi’ one another on aught, you can turn me out at a hour’s notice,” he proposed.

Mr. Thornton huffed in wonder at the man’s gall. “You’re not one to beat around the bush, are you?” he asked. “You’ve a pretty high opinion of yourself to offer yourself as go-between between me and my men. I wonder how it is that Hamper let you go?” he asked, mockingly.

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