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Their band was up next.

Alexis felt butterflies in her stomach. She could hardly keep still. She kept pacing. She knew the rest of them were freaking out, too. Spencer was staring off into space while he blindly strummed his guitar like he always does when he's thinking too much. Danny was rhythmically beating his drumsticks on the table in front of him, trying to twirl them ever so often and failing almost every time. And Gary was concentrating on picking the strings of his bass, not even looking at Alexis.

She could hear Get Scared playing their set now. She read the setlist Nick wrote down for her and realized there were only two songs left before they were done. Wanting to ease the tension she could feel in the room, she decided to head for the stage.

Kids in the crowd were ecstatic during Get Scared. She watched with a small smile, realizing she would be in Nick's position soon. She couldn't wait. As they started their last song, she decided to head back, feeling a little better.

As she walked through the hall, she heard a loud laugh followed by an echoing voice bounce off the stone walls. She was soon only a few feet away from Austin Carlile, who was heading out of his band's room. He didn't look where he was going and bumped right into her, almost knocking her to the floor.

“Jesus, could you watch it?” She snapped.

Austin turned, mid typing on his phone. “Do you have a VIP pass?” He sneered.

Alexis grimaced at him. “I'm Alexis Bold. Singer of Desired Conspiracy?”

Austin smirked. “So, what, do you want an autograph, a picture?”

Alexis stared at him. “Sorry, Carlile, I won't go weak in the knees for you.” She snorted, eyeing him up and down. “I bet your ego's bigger than your dick.” She spun around too quickly to see his reaction.

“How many times have you used that line, blondie?” She rolled her eyes. “Blondes. Always end up being the sluts, am I right?”

She stopped, ready to turn back around. She clenched her fist and entered her bands' room. Everyone looked up at her.

“I think it's officially safe to say Austin Carlile's the biggest tool on this tour.” She slammed the door and met eyes with Gary. He stared back and a slow smile slid onto his face.

He still believed he was going to win.

Alexis didn't have much more time to be angry as she was rushed to get ready. She heard the crowd screaming as Get Scared hollered through the tight cinder block hallways. Her heart was jumping in her throat and she felt light headed.

“Don't lose your cool now, Lex.” She mumbled to herself, hopping from one foot to the other.

“All right, assholes, it's time!” Jeremy said, coming in and clapping his hands together. The guys headed out first, pumped and ready. Alexis followed behind, trying to keep her game face on. This was it. The first biggest show she'll ever play.

Several feet in front of them, she saw Austin. He smiled and put out his hand to Gary, who was first in their line.

“You're Desired Conspiracy?” He asked.

“Yeah, man. First biggest show. Stoked to be a part of it.” Gary said, smiling widely. It was so obvious he had the biggest man crush on Austin.

Austin let out a small laugh. “Hey you guys seem pretty pumped to be a part of it. I can't wait to hear how you guys sound.” His eyes suddenly met Alexis's. She stared back, her blue eyes turning icy. “Not a big fan of girl singers. But I'm sure the rest of you are pretty talented.”

Alexis's mouth dropped. The guys just let out awkward laughs. Austin shook hands with each of them, wishing them good luck. As he passed Alexis, he only bumped her shoulder without looking at her yet again. She turned around quickly, but before she could say anything, he beat her to it.

“Sorry.” He put up his hands in surrender, slowly walking backward. “Forgot how short twelve-year-old girls were compared to me.” He shrugged and kept walking, leaving Alexis to stand there, baffled.

“Lex!” Danny yelled. She turned back around to realize they'd already walked away from her; they didn't even hear Austin's comment.

She ran to catch up with them, hoping her pent up rage would assist her energy on stage.


Austin and the rest of his band were out in the hall already, waiting, when Alexis's band came off stage. He eyed her down, a cynical look in his eyes. She smirked, knowing part of him hated that they were actually good.

“What's the matter, Carlile?” She taunted as she met his path. “Scary that a girl's voice is better than your screams, am I right?” She raised an eyebrow and kept walking, smiling when she heard one of the others stifle a snicker.

“It's not funny, Alan.” She heard him say monotonously.

Alexis didn't hesitate to head straight for the bus. She was still angry about Austin's comment earlier. She didn't even know him and he was already being a dick to her. She should've known he would be like this. I'm sure touring with a female lead band isn't exactly number one on his to-do list.

“I sense some sexual tension back there.” She heard a voice say behind her. She turned around to see Gary hopping on the bus, popping a cheese doodle in his mouth. Afterward, he threw the rest of the bag to her. “Saved these for you.”

“Oh, aren't you sweet?” She teased. “And hilarious.”

Gary shook his head. “What is it with you and boys? It's like you just have no attraction toward any of them.” Gary's eyes turned wide. “Don't tell me you're—”

“Completely straight, Gary.” She snapped, rolling her eyes. “You just know my rules of dating.”

“Oh, right. You don't date at all.”

Alexis threw her jacket off, flinging it onto the couch. “That's not it!”

“Tell me why you won't date, then.”

“It's just not my style. I don't just date anyone.” She tousled her hair and headed toward the back of the bus, wanting to depart from this conversation.

“You always do that with your hair when you're hiding something. It's like you hide your secrets in your big hair!” Gary joked, following after her. She snorted at his pathetic attempt of stealing a Mean Girls quote. “I know that's not true. You've dated before me. Then it seemed like after him, you changed.”

“Because I did.” She whipped around. “You wanna know the truth? Fine. I don't date band guys after Jack. All they do is cheat, lie, and you never even get to see them.”

Gary blinked. “But band guys always seem to go after you.”

Alexis rolled her eyes and groaned. “Look at me, Gary.” She gestured to her entire person. “I'm a five foot two blonde with blue eyes and nice tits. I know how to dress myself. My half finished sleeve seems to turn them on and let's not forget—they all want what they can't have.”

Gary smirked. “Guess I'm a pretty lucky guy, huh?”

Alexis sneered and pushed his face before continuing to the back of the bus. “Still guarantee I'll win this bet.”

Alexis forced a laugh as she reached the back lounge and pressed the button to close the door. “Still guarantee you'll look like an idiot in three months.” She saluted him before the door completely closed on his forever smirking face.

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