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My Understandings

Alexis hurriedly ran down her apartment's rickety steps, throwing her Glamour Kills zip up hoodie on and zipping it up to her neck. She put her aviator sunglasses on as she rounded the corner of her apartment complex, the early morning sun making her squint and her blonde hair shine brilliantly.

Several feet in front of her, she could hear the roaring engine of a powerful automobile. She smiled when she could see the expensive rented tour bus just a few more feet in front of her. She opened the door and hopped on, the rest of her crew and band on board, setting things up.

Alexis sat at the table, pulling out her phone to check her text messages and tweets. Several people wished her a safe trip and to keep in touch while she was away. After answering those, she followed her guitarist, Spencer, to the bunk hall and he climbed onto the bed he claimed right under hers.

“Oh, so I'm the lucky one who gets hear you fart all night, huh?” She laughed, pushing open the curtain on the top bunk.

“Not just me, miss Princess.” He said with his flawless smile. “Danny's sleeping in the bunk next to you, too.” He smirked and got to work on decorating his bunk.

“Great, I'll be sleeping in a Dutch Oven!” She hoisted herself into her bunk once she threw her pillow and favorite throw blanket in, followed by her backpack of memorabilia.

“All right, all right, all right!” The familiar voice of Jeremy, their tour manager boomed through the bus several minutes later. Alexis peeked her head out to see him standing a few feet in front of her bunk, looking down at his phone.

“You're pretty chipper this morning, Jer.” She commented, putting more tape on the back of her pictures of her and her friends.

Jeremy looked up and smirked, pushing his freshly cut dark locks of hair back before locking his phone and shoving it in his pocket. “First stop is the beautiful state of Arizona. I've gotten word that Of Mice & Men left a few hours ago and Get Scared is also about to leave. Jimmy's all set to go, the rest of the crew is on board, let's get out of here ASAP, sound good?”

Everyone, including Alexis whooped. Jeremy smiled and clapped his loud clap and headed back toward the front of the bus. Just then, Gary walked in, looking like he just woke up—as usual; his dirty blonde hair was askew, he definitely forgot to shave this morning, and he held a coffee cup with a large stain going down the front of it.

Alexis snorted. He looked in her direction. “Whatchu laughin' at short shit?”

“Rude.” She said, crossing her arms in front of her and staring back at him with her eyebrows furrowed. “I was just laughing at your half assed attempt to wake up again.” She jumped down from her bunk and Gary let out a little laugh, rubbing the base of his palm into his eye and yawning widely.

“You know how mornings and I are. Not exactly on the best terms.” He peered over at Alexis's bunk, his eyes wandering to the bottom and side bunk occupied by Spencer and Danny. “I can see you got your favorites by you.”

Alexis turned around, examining Spencer, lying in his bunk playing a game on his phone no doubt. Then, there was Danny, all snuggled up like he was ready to go back to sleep. She rolled her eyes, turning back to Gary.


He smirked. “You're going to have a wonderful two and a half months.” He slipped past her, messing her hair up on his way. She hit his arm and ran her hand through her hair, hoping he didn't completely ruin it.

“I'm seriously disliking the fact that we're touring with Of Mice & Men.” Spencer said out of the blue.

Alexis raised an eyebrow. “I thought you loved them.”

“Yeah. But the members are dicks.” He let out a small laugh. “Austin's the biggest of them all.”

Alexis shrugged. “He can't be that bad.”

“Trust me, he's so full of himself it's actually ridiculous. I wouldn't be surprised if his house holds a room for his own personal strippers.”

Alexis laughed. “Something tells me you're a little jealous of the dude.”

Spencer scoffed. “Please. The guy's a tool.”

Alexis rolled her eyes and walked away. She never really listened to Of Mice & Men. She's been to shows with her friends that had them but she was never really a fan. She's heard stories about Austin and he seemed like a pretty genuine guy, just not really her type.

“I'm not really into the whole 'I'm covered in tattoos and thirteen-year-olds wanna get with me' type of deal,” is what she'd tell her friends every time they told her she was crazy for thinking he wasn't attractive.

She was just never the girl who had a fangirl crush on a band member.

But when she found out she was touring with Of Mice & Men, she got really excited. They were such a popular band. Her band would get their name out there and maybe they'd finally get a chance to play bigger and better things.

Her other band members obviously begged to differ though. But she figured they'd eventually get over it the second they stepped on stage and saw one of the biggest crowds they'll probably ever play for.

She could only hope there wouldn't be any problems.

A/N: So I know it's really short! But I promise the chapters will get longer. This is just kind of an introduction. If you guys like it, I'll post more. I really need your feedback on this one though because I do enjoy it a lot, but if you guys don't there's no point to post it :) so leave some reviews! And follow my tumblr: stella-song to get regular updates about when chapters are posted, little background stories and so on. Thanks! Until the next one xo. 

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