Meeting Jack Dawson pt.4

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"So, Mr. Dawson I heard the living quarters of 3rd is quiet nice", I squinted my eyes at mother as she held a smug look on her face. Throughout the dinner Jack held himself almost as if he was one of us.

Yes, he appeared like New money, but one of us. Unitl, my mother had to say something. Jack smiled tightly, "They're great, even the rats are nice too." Everyone broke out into laughter, all I could do was smile. Jack just had a way with people that could make you fall in love with him. He was the definition of charming, and anyone who said differently was simply an idiot.

"Y/n, I heard you had an episode recently?" I looked up at the sound of my name to see Madam Le' Rangine. She was an older lady from France--she even claimed to be from royalty but that's another story. I smiled politely at her before answering her noisy ass question.

"Oh yes I did, quite dreadful if my must say-"

"I can only imagine, such a poor thing it's a mircale you lived this long. It MUST be only a matter of time before you die!"

We all stopped talking, staring at the old woman. I gulped and looked down at my quivering hands in my lap. 

She was right but she didn't have to say it like that. Everyone knew, we just came to the conclusion to not bring it up.  Soon all their eyes turned to me, pity filling them as they gazed at me. 

"I think-"

"How dare you say such a thing to someone," Jack said glaring at the woman, "You're one to talk, what are you, 90 almost 100? It doesn't matter how much time she has" I covered my mouth to keep the laughter that was threatening to spill from the mouth at the shocked looked on her face.  He looked at me, staring into my eyes, "because I plan on making her time her the best she ever had".

She quickly rose, a sound of disdain leaving her mouth before she finally left us to be. I looked at my mother as she looked down in embarassment. She didn't even try to defend me, rather to keep up the illusion of being a rich, proud woman. I looked to Rose, her eyes held anger, but as I looked down I could see that a large hand gripped hers. Almost bone crushing tight. 

She wanted to do something.

But Hockley thought differently.

"So,  Jack, will you join us for some drinks?" Hockley asked as he stood up with the other men to go to the smoking lounge like they do after every dinner. 

Jack eyed him closely before focusing his eyes on me. Something was held behind them, something begging me to go along with whatever he had planned.

"No I don't think I will, not really a smoker," I felt his hand grasp mine, leaving a note within it. He got up and turned towards me, "Goodnight petal, sleep well." 

I watched his lean figure leave the room before looking at the letter.

Meet me at our spot. Party in 3rd quarters, time to show what REAL fun is for once ;)

WHAT!  I finally updated I know I am a horrible person!


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