Meeting Jack Dawson

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"Y/n, I can't do this." I looked up from my book and saw my older sister; Rose stated as she walked back and forth in our large room.
"Rose, I know but you have to..for the money. Without it how else would we pay for my medicine!" I stressed and she glared harshly, "I swear if if wasn't for you we wouldn't be broke! I wish it was you instead of father!" She ran out of the room and slammed the door. I stayed there froze in my bed, she was right.

I had a very rare disease, it was a miracle I stayed alive to see 15. I marked my place in my book and got up and slipped on my shoes. I put on my blue silk rob and braided my hair.

"Sweetheart where are you going? You were supposed to be getting ready for the party!" My mother stressed and I smiled softly," I know mother, I'm not feeling quite well tonight. May I sit this one out?" Her blue eyes immediately widened and she rushed over to me pushing me onto the bed. Her hand was in my head checking for s fever.

"Oh dear, do you feel low? Is your diabetes acting up? I'll go get Hockley to get the ships doctor-"

"Mother calm down! I am just sea sick," she sighed in relief and gave me a small smile while caressing my cheek," You are so beautiful my lovely flower, are you sure you don't need me to stay with you?" I gulped slightly and nodded, she smiled and leaned down to peck my forehead, "Goodnight, sweet dreams." I nodded and waited to hear her shut the main door to our room signaling she was off to the party.

I quickly got up and left the room, go out into the cold crisp air on the end of the boat. I walked briskly to the poor part of the boat while I let my tears finally fall as I made it to the railing. I climbed over it till I was staring down at the crashing waves.

Rose wanted me dead so bad, then she'll have her wish. I began to let go when I heard a voice speak up behind me. "Um, hey, don't want to do that."
I glanced behind me to see a tall, handsome, blue eyed boy. I glared at him harshly, if there was one thing I hated, it was being told what to do.

"Shut up you idiot! You don't know go away, if someone see you they will suspect you did this." He sighed and began to take off his shoes and coat.

"What in heavens are you doing," I hissed and he shrugged his shoulders, "well the water is really cold, and I've spoke to you now so I'm involved. So if you jump I'm jumping in after you." I stared at him with my mouth hanging opened.

"H-how cold is the water?" I whispered and he walked closer to me, "well back home when we used to go ice-fishing, that's when-"

"Yes I know what ice fishing is just answer the bloody question!" I yelled he flinched and raised his hands up as if in surrender.

"Y/n Y/m/n DeWitt Bukater," answered and he chuckled.

"You're going to have to write that down Petal. But at home, the water would be lower than 20 degrees!" I shivered at the thought and suddenly regretted letting Rose get to me.

"Can you help me back over the railing Mr."
"Jack. Jack Dawson." I smiled sweetly at him and he came closer to grab my hands to help me turn around. But me being me, my foot slipped and I came falling down, but Jack held on. I started to scream as I just knew I was going to die. But Jack pulled me up back to safety and we fell to the ground. I couldn't move from shock and heard more screaming coming from the police.
"How dare you! How dare you put your filthy hands on my fiancée sister!" Hockley screamed at Jack and I felt bad For him, they thought he was trying to take advantage of me.

"He saved me actually. You see, I was feeling sick and decided to go find a doctor but got turned around and got here. So I came to the edge because I felt like I was going to be sick, then I lost my balance and almost fell over board. But Mr.Dawson was out here and saved me. I would have died if it wasn't for him." I declared and eyed Jack hoping he would go along with the story.

"Is that true Mr.Dawson?" The captain asked and Jack nodded, still looking at me.

"Well, since you saved my darling Rose sister. I'll like to thank you, eat dinner with us tomorrow evening." Hockley said and I nodded behind him, he smiled slightly.

"It would be my honor," Hockley nodded and turned to leave with a guilty looking Rose. My mother grasped my arm tightly to drag me inside, I turned back to wave at Jack. "Goodnight Jack, see you tomorrow!" He smiled brightly, "Goodnight petal. I can't wait." He whispered only for my ears.

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