Young Love

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Young Love


"Kode, come on," my childhood friend, Kaden called out to me.

We were on our way to Kale's house, to spend our Saturday night, sharing secrets, staying up all night, and having a good time.

Being eleven year olds we had a well thought out schedule.

Our parents rarely being home, due to their jobs, led to us spending all of our time with each other.

My dad had left my mom and I after they got a divorce. He went off to some random place, leaving my mom and I struggling. He never payed the child support even though the law required him to do, so my mom worked non-stop at the hospital, leaving behind her love of photography. My mom, being the kind-hearted woman she is, didn't complain.

Kaden also lived with his mom. He was never really fond of his mom, so he didn't mind her being at the hospital with my mom all the time. Of course, all young kids dislike their parents, but Kadens always had a different type of hatred for them. He never told Kale or I why he hated his mom, but we never pushed, seeing it was a sensitive topic.

Kale lived with his dad. His mom had passed away from an aneurysm. His father and him were extremely close, so he missed him all the time. His father worked at an emergency vet, so he was gone almost everyday.

Our single parents were extremely close. So therefore, Kaden, Kale, and I became close.

During the weekdays, we would all work on our simple multiplication problems, short essays, and other fifth grade homework. On Friday nights, Kaden and I would spend by ourselves, and Saturdays would be spent with all three of us.

Kaden and I were always close. He was like my brother, but not really because I always had a slight crush on. We knew everything about each other except for that one little fact.

"Kode," Kaden whined, dragging out my nick name. My full name is Kodak. Eventually it stuck, and I had everyone calling me that. Even my mom. "Hurry up, or we're going to be late, and Kale's going to be mad..." he trailed off.

Kaden was standing on the steps of my porch eager to leave to make the journey across the street to Kale's house. I was sitting on my porch swing, with a pencil in my hand, working on a little sketch.

I always was big on drawing, painting, just art in general. It calmed me, let me put my feelings down on paper, but in a code rather than putting words down, which is easier for people to read.

Sure, I was eleven and my drawings sucked, but as I aged they got better.

Right then, I was focusing on shading different colors of the sunset portrayed in front of me with nothing but a graphite pencil. I used more force, as darker colors, and formed random shapes of nothing as the clouds.

A small smile playing on my lips, as I kept looking from the sky to my sketchbook. Suddenly, my book was ripped from my hands, as my pencil dragged along the page making a dark line.

I let out an angered gasp, and looked at the art destroyer. Kaden sat there looking ashamed. I glared at him, as he looked at me worriedly. "Kode, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I was just trying to get you to hurry up..." He trailed off once again, now pacing in front of me.

I let a smile grace my face once again. I put my hands on Kadens slumped shoulders, causing him to stop pacing. I showed him a glimpse of my smile, making him smile back. Then I let a forced a frown into my young features, as I playfully slapped his arm. "You meanie."

"Hey, that's no fair," Kaden argued. "It was an accident. I didn't mean to!"

I laughed, then walked back to the swing to grab my sleepover bag. I slung the bag over my tiny frame and made my way back over to an excited Kaden.

Once I reached him, he grabbed my hand and we started running across the street to Kale's house. I remember my stomach filling with butterfly's as we laughed.

Once we climbed onto Kale's porch, we made our way to the door. Kaden pushed it open not even bothering to knock.

All our families being so close, we had that privilege. We never had to knock, we were allowed to just walk right in.

Once we stepped into the living room, Kale came running down the carpeted steps.

"Guys," Kale exclaimed. He ran up to Kaden and I and pulled us into a group hug.

Kale was always the social butterfly in our little group. He was never shy, always energetic, and athletic. He always had other friends besides Kaden and I.

As he pulled us in a hug, his brown hair bounced with his every move, and his bright blue eyes shined with happiness. While he was hugging us, Kaden grimaced.

Kaden was very shy, he never really liked to be embraced in hugs or anything like that. He didn't have any other friends besides Kale and I. He never really talked to anyone either, whenever he wasn't with us, he would lock himself in his room and play video games or read.

While the grimace made it's way onto Kadens pale complexion, his grey eyes showed he didn't want to be hugged anymore. He looked over towards me, his black hair falling into his eyes.

He mouthed 'help me', and I smiled, embracing Kales hug.

I was also the outcast, nerd, geek, ordinary, person. I didn't really have friends besides Kaden and Kale, and the characters in my books of course. I tried to make friends but no one wants to be friends with the social outcast.

I pulled away, my eyes scanning Kadens. His eyes were filled with annoyance. That's the thing about Kaden, he never showed his feelings, except through his eyes. I was one of the rare few who knew that.

Of course, it seemed like I had the perfect childhood, but not long after the happy little moments like that, my childhood came crashing down.

I had to go and move with my dad.

So like the title says, 'intro' this was the intro explaining the characters personalities, physical appearances, family, and relationships.

This part is in past tense, but only to explain how the present is going to be, and give you a hint of the characters.

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