Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Are you seriously sitting with them Aaron?!" Stephanie asks. I roll my eyes. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" She asks appalled.

"Yeah I did because I'm tired of your bratty attitude." I state with a candy sweet smile. I hear Kerry make an 'ohhh' sound and Jenna and Kalyn nearly spit out their milk, while Megan and Alice are full on laughing! Oh yeah take that bee with an itch.

"How dare you!" She screeches catching the whole cafeterias attention. "Oh well since it's a dare.." I say standing up even though she's taller than me. I look her in the eyes and roll mine. That's when she looses it.

"You good for nothing slut! You aren't anything, to anyone! You will never be me and you will never be half as good as me! You should just go and die like your parents although the poor people would be stuck with you again! They probably committed suicide to be away from you!" She screams, before slapping me.

I don't try to hold the tears back.
I can't breathe.... I'm getting flashbacks.
My parents.
My cutting.
My broken heart.
My failures.
My life.

I start breathing heavily as tears stream down my face. I run out and into the Hall heading to the other side of the school. I hear heavy footsteps behind me, but those push me to run faster. Before sadly I trip. Well done screw up. I fall hard onto ground and the tears are still streaming. Suddenly someone comes running up to me and I hear a muffled voice. I'm having an panic attack and I need to get out of here before anyone sees.

"Breathe." I hear the voice say, even though it's hardly audible I make it out and do what they say.

As I regain my composure I look up to see him, Aaron. I smile lightly before looking down. Now I have no chance with him, I'll be lucky if he looks at me without disgust. My eyes full up with tears again and I sniffle.

"Hey beauty I'm gonna pick you up ok?" He says. All I can do at this vulnerable moment is nods my head mindlessly.

I'm so weak.

He gently picks me up as if I'm fine china and carries me to the girls bathroom. He sets me on the counter and grabs a handkerchief out his pocket and wets it a bit. All I focus on is him and the sound of the tap. He looks at me and smiles. He come to me and wipes my tears away. "You mustn't listen to her. They're wrong, so very wrong. Because the truth is your too beautiful to cry." He says the last part more to himself. I look away trying to hide my blush and stop it at the same time. Although I know I'm failing because I can feel the heat on my face. He finishes up and then looks at me.

He smiles sadly and here it comes, the part I've been waiting for but dreading even though I just met him, rejection. "Wanna skip?" He asks, while I do a double take.

"W-what?" I ask trying to figure this boy out.
He smiles before chuckling, "I know you're an angel though I can say I was taking you home after that incident." He says "don't worry I've got my learners." He says showing me it with pride that I can't help but smile and nods.

He helps me off the counter and we head out.

Omfg I just realized I've never done this before.
What happens if I get in trouble?
Get detention?
My friends might dump me!
What happens if he gets in trouble?
What happens if he's going to murder me?!

"Hey calm down, I can practically hear the wheels turning in your head." He says looking down at me. I nod, but I promise myself that I won't let my walls down. I will never let my walls down, ever.

As we get to his car he unlocks it and he opens my door. What a gentleman, I think. A gentleman you don't deserve.....

As I get in he runs around and gets in the driver seat before we start to drive.


We've been driving for about 30 minutes now and I can't help but think about what an idiot I am. I've just met him for God's sake! He could literally kill me. Or he could rape me..... shit. I think I'm going to have a panic attack. I start breathing heavily and need to punish my self for being stupid. I start digging my nails into my skin. I feel the blood start to come, but only a little. He looks at me about to say something and then it's like something clicks. He serves off the road and grabs my hand.

"Hey sweetie I need you to breathe ok? Ye like that, there you go angel. You mustn't hurt yourself. Ever." He says kissing the mark that I made with my nails, ewwww there's still dried blood. Yet I still fangirl.
He looks at me before starting the car. I expect him to stop holding my hand but he doesn't. When I try to retract my hand he just gives it a reassuring squeeze.

"Nearly there angel just 15 more minutes." He says kissing my hand.

"May I ask where 'there' is?" I say ignoring the flutter my heart did when he kissed my hand and called me angel.

"Home." He says. Wait back up! Rewind! Time Travel!

"Home." Once again back up! Rewind! Time Travel!

"Home." Once again- ok stop Melody otherwise you'll be caught in a never ending loop of madness. #crazy. Remember don't judge!

"You mean your home." I say and for once my voice does not waver and I raised my eyebrows. Yep eyebrows, I can't only raise one! It's so annoying because Megan rubs it in my face!

"Uh- yeah. You can meet my family." He says.

Once again. Back up! Rewind! Time Travel!
"Meet my family."

Oh fudge cakes.

"But we just met and why do I need to meet them?" I ask sounding a bit rude but right now I don't care, he could be a murderer.

"Sweetie my friends not my parents, believe me you'll love my friends." He says.

The only thing he doesn't know is that I'm socially awkward.

Once again.
Oh fudge cakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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