Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Today is the first day of school. I start tenth grade. Yay. Note the sarcasm. This year is going to be like any other year, boring.

Sure I have my crazy friends to keep me company, lately they're the only ones who can bring a real smile to my face.
Other than that school is pretty boring, I do ok though its so boring. I sigh as lay in my comfy bed. Its only 3am yet my body decided to say "hey bitch wake up, time to eat those Froot Loops!" Yep people are right I am weird.

I sigh as I turn over trying to force myself to sleep, though it doesn't work. Why cant I sleep 2 hours longer? "Cause I want em Froot Loops!" My imagination replies. I sigh and decide to read. I have found reading has been my sanctuary for 3 years now. The only place where happy endings have a better chance of happening. I let a single tear fall feeling as though I'll never get my happy ending. No don't cry, not now! I force my emotions to comply and now all I feel is numb. What a great start to the morning. "You know Froot Loops always help ya girl" my stomach tells me. When will I stop being so weird. Why cant I be normal? Look at Kerry and everyone loves her. Its strange though, I never seem to be good enough yet the people who are good enough hang out with me? I don't see why Stephanie and her b with an itch squad bullies me though. Is it the way I look? The way I act? The way I hold myself? Or even just plain old me that isn't good enough.......

No don't have these thoughts! You haven't had them for a month now, remember no more.

I look at the time to find its now half past 3. Damnit, why cant I just sleep?!

I decide to get up and finally get Froot Loops!
I munch on my delicious breakfast. I only swim in the mornings on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and I only start next month! So ha I get to sleep in suckas!

Once I'm done eating I put my bowl in the sink and wash it. I sigh as I look at the water trickling over the bowl.

I decide to read some more and maybe fall asleep then. I hear my alarm go off after I finished my book. I decide to start getting ready since I already had breakfast but not without getting some comforting coffee first.

I end up looking at myself in the bathroom mirror. I have big blue eyes long blond hair and a button nose. Lately Ive been feeling better about myself, its weird but good. My height is ok not tall not short as its at 170cm and my weight isn't too bad as I weigh 56kgs. I try to smile as I think I could be better if I weighed less. I try to smile once more trying to fool myself with my own facade. I look at my smile and notice I only have one dimple, great another weird thing about me.

I'm done with my morning routine and its now half past 5. Where does the time go?

My uncle comes downstairs and smiles at me, and I now start my happy facade.....

I can feel that today wont be any ordinary day, though the question is, is that good or bad?

I smile in return and go to my room just one last time to check my outfit. I decided to wear white skinny jeans, a Black Nike shirt but the sign is white and black vans. I then look at my long blond hair. Maybe if I was a brunette I'd be more pretty? Or if my eyes were green instead of a shocking blue? Jenna has green eyes and is a beautiful red head and is intelligent and she has a boyfriend, maybe if I was like her I would be better....

I shake my head as if ridding those thoughts, though I always know they're still at the back of my mind.

"Ready to go buzz?" My uncle calls. I know weird nick name but whatever.

I run out my room and grab my bag, smiling at my uncle and nodding. Another day of this happy person who I know might never be real.

We arrive at school and I see my best friend Alice. "Bye uncle Jeremy see you later! Have a nice day." I call as I walk towards Alice. He simple waves before driving off.

As I reach her I see him. Him being Alice's boyfriend. The one who played me. He lead me on while he liked Alice. I didn't know until after she told me, she will never know though. Reasons being that once a girl has stars in her eyes they never leave until they see the dark side the moon instead of the sunshine.

I smile at her and scowl at him, and you know what he does he fudging smirks!
Ugh! I hate him!

"Hi Alice!" I smile brightly, "Brent." I nod in acknowledgment.

"Hi Melody! Hi Brent!" She greets hugging me and giving him a kiss on his cheek.

"Shall we go inside?" Brent asks taking her hand. I growl at him under my breathe, and no I'm not a werewolf.

"We shall my knight in shining armor!" Alice giggles like a second grader.

I get my schedule once we're inside and compare it with Alice. The only classes I don't have with any of my friends is history and English. The bell rings suddenly and I jump. I head to the history class noticing I have history for two hours today. As I head there I see Alice making out with Brent.

Today is going to be a long day....

As I get into the classroom I see an amazing brown haired boy with the most mesmerizing blue eyes.

He's walking up to me? Me? I repeat Me?!
Maybe it's my imagination, ye well then where the fudging unicorns Melody!

I get cut out of my head rant, by the boy sitting in front of me smiling. I give a slight smile in return. "You really looked worried when you were staring off into the distance. What were you thinking?" He asks.

"Not even a hello?" I sass, where did that witty comment come from......
He chuckles lightly before holding out his hand. "Rewind. Hello my name is Aaron and your name?" He says and I can't help but to giggle. Wait what the fudging hamster? Giggle? I never giggle! Well you just did Melody.

"I'm Melody nice to meet you." I say smiling. "Well Melody is something bothering you because you looked real worried when you were staring off there." I shook my head and he grabbed the seat next to mine. The rest of the lesson was just the teacher explaining what we will learn this year, although Aaron and I didn't really listen we just got to know each other.

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