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6 weeks

6 weeks before the court case and as discussed I was looking for new Homes. Homes far away from here because as soon as my brother was gone give or take a month I would re locate with CJ I had put a offer in under my new name

Lia Freeman

Today was the day for the court case  I dressed and did my hair before Alex took me to the court house. When we arrived he held out his hand and helped me out.

"Look there she is" someone said. I was now know as his wife and  they went to bombard me if it wasn't for Alex who helped me inside. I smirked seeing John Watson.

"What are you doing here" he questioned when he saw me.

"Why I'm here to support my husband. Why else?" he looked away.

"You're sick the both of you are just sick. Why would you do this to your own brother " I sighed and leaned into his ear

"Revenge" I whispered pulling back "That and its fun I love how he does stuff for me and dotes on me. shows offer me. its sexy"

"Last call for Crown vs Moriarty"

"Caio John Watson" I went to make my way to the seating area. They brought him up and he saw me. I smirked and waved at him. Someone sat next to me it was a woman my height and plaits. journalist waiting for her big break.

"Kitty Riley" I said nothing, she slipped me a card

"If you or your husband ever want to talk" she added i took the card and slipped it into my bag.

"tell me Kitty can you be trusted" I asked not looking at her.

"Completely" she replied

"Then we'll see" the case began and Sherlock was called up. He was talking about how he was a consulting criminal.

"A consulting criminal" the barrister asked for the prosecution

"Yes" he replied

"In your words can you expand on your answer" she asked

"James Moriarty is for hire"

"A tradesman?"


"But not the sort who'd fix your heating"

"No the sort to help plant a bomb or stage a assassination but not the sort to fix your boiler" the court chuckled

"Would you describe as" she was cut off


"What? " she asked

"Your leading any minute he'll state objection. Ask me how or what opinion have I formed " I smirked keep going like that and you'll be thrown out

"Mr Holmes I think we can do alright without your help" the Judge scolded

"What opinion have you form of this man." the barrister asked

"First mistake. James Moriarty is not a man he's a spider in the middle of a web. A criminal web with a thousand threads and he know precisely how each and every one of them dances " I folded my arms over my bump.

"And how long"

"No, no don't do that don't ask that question" he shook his head

"Mr Holmes" the judge warned

"How long have I known him? we've met twice five minutes each time and he's even tried to blow me up with the help of my little sister bad apple and now she's married to him poor thing. I thought we had a special something" I tried not to burst with laughter.

"Wrong Holmes" was all James said before turning to me. I winked at him and he turned back

"Miss Sorell are you seriously claiming this man is a expert just after knowing him for five minutes."

"two minutes would have made me a expert five was ample"

"Mr Holmes that is a matter for the jury" oh Sherlock you really should keep your trap shut but just to entertain me be a smart arse.

"oh really. one librarian, two teachers two high pressure job proberly in the city Forman's a medical secretary training abroad judging by her short hair, seven are married two are having a affair...with each other it would seem. They've just had tea and biscuits would you like to know who eat the wafer"

"Mr Holmes you have been called her to answer Miss Sorell's questions keep your answers brief and to the point  anything else will be treated as contempt do you think you could survive a few minutes without showing off" i covered my mouth trying to hide giggles.

"the man next to the Forman" he replied

"take him to the cells" the judged ordered. he was taken away and the barrister called up Lestrade and a couple of others to testify." after it had finished i had left and was taken home. Going straight to work I wormed my way into 12 hotel rooms and posted a picture of their weakness to make sure my husband would come out tomorrow.

Aurelia Holmes - Consulting Criminal's WifeWhere stories live. Discover now