Chapter 3

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I'm entertaining Gema at the park, the spot where we first met. She's a bit on edge about the length of time that it took to get back to her. "Three weeks, I said a few days!" Her raised voice and theatrical hand movements, draw a few looks in our direction.

"You want to calm down?'

"You want to tell me that you're going to help me?"

"I don't know, I don't want to get..."

"Galaxy, ninety-eight, trinity, ether". She says, quickly. A memory that I don't recall ever having comes to mind. Rylan in bed with me, telling me of a hidden place with an emergency vehicle with a bag of cash. "In case something happens, and you need to make a quick escape." He says.

"What did you do to me?" I ask, pushing her away from me. "Rylan told me to say those words to you, and you would know what to do.

I knew that they had powers, but nothing like this. "Why would he want me to help you, are you carrying his child?"

"I told you no, I won't go through that again, they're monsters, you'll see." She's telling the truth. "Give me a few..." Her raised hand, stops me from continuing. "I don't have any more time to give, I'm not going to be used as a recycle bin." For the first time I realize that this is bigger than just us. "What about the other women?" Her desperation causes her to lash out. "If they're too blind to see what's going on, screw them!" Her outburst captures the attention of a guard, and he makes his way over to us. "Shit." She notices him also, and we try to take our leave of each other, but he's fast.

"Is everything okay?" His alert gaze on me, I hope that she's good enough to block him. "We're fine." I state. "And you Gema? I heard you yelling, we don't need any disturbances." Well hell, I hope that he already knew her and didn't pick that up. Concentrating on her mind, I assist with making the image of the waterfall stronger.

"Do you mind letting me in?" He says, knowing that I've interfered. Gema closes her eyes, as his probing causes her pain. He could scramble her mind or cause her brain

to hemorrhage, if he isn't careful. Crying out in pain, as her nose starts to bleed, I'm in a panic, that he's going to seriously hurt her. "Stop it!" I shout, and ignoring me, he has a self-satisfied smirk plastered on his face. I do the only thing that I can do.

Using my power of telekinesis, I send him flying yards away from us. Not wanting any parts of the altercation, the women outside quickly make their way back inside the building.

Going to Gema's aide, she backs away from me afraid.

"What the hell?" She says wiping the blood from her nose.

"Are you alright?" I ask, reaching out to her.

Jumpy, she moves from my reach, and then turns to flee.

"Wait!" I yell, going after her.

The guard is up and on his feet, and I know that we can't outrun him, so I stop Gema with my mind. Trying to move she gives up, and the guard is over to us in an instant. He's reaching out for her, but I've stopped him, he can't move. Releasing her, she quickly moves to my side. "What did you do?" She's looking at the guard frozen in place, his eyes following us. "I can't hold him for long..."

"We have to go!" She shouts, as an alarm sounds. I take off towards the woods behind the women's housing. "Where are we going?" She's asks from behind me.

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