Chapter 1

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I enter the clearing in the woods, taking care to make sure that I'm not followed, stopping every few feet listening. Continuing on in a hurried fashion, the snap of a twig stops me in my tracks. My heartbeat racing, I step behind a tree as a figure emerges onto the path. Taking a deep breath, I pick up his scent. Balen, tall, dark haired, beautiful brown eyes, and handsome as hell. Watching him as he cautiously makes his way down the path, a warm sensation slowly washes over me. The memory of our last meeting still fresh in my mind. The feel of his hands as they roamed my body, his lips, his tongue, stripping me of every...

"Skye?" Interrupting my thoughts, Balen has stopped right beside my tree. With a quick movement I have my hand over his mouth, and him behind the tree with me. Alarmed he spins out of my grasp, and has me roughly pushed up against the tree. His hand around my throat, cuts off my air flow. "I love it when you play rough." I make out. Seeing that it's me, I'm immediately released from his death grip. "I could have killed you."

Ignoring his admonishment my arms wrap around his neck, as I playfully nip at him. His scent turning me on, my kisses become frenzied...aggressive. "How did you do that?" I'm on my way to being stark raving mad with need, when he stops my assault with a hand around my throat. The other hand on my wrist forces me to yield to his will. "Do what?" I inquire.

"You camouflaged."

"I didn't know that I was doing anything."

I'm what the Pure blooded Centaurians call a half breed. One of my parents were human and the other Centaurian, but I don't need blood to survive. Balen's situation is the same, except he survives solely on blood, he's considered a pure blood. Your place in their society depends on where your genetics lie. Half breeds are considered inferior, as our human nature makes us primitive. We lack the qualities of our superiors, the blood survivors as we call them.

Superhuman strength, inhuman speed, enhanced sense of smell, sight, hearing and the ability to read minds among other powers, that we the unfortunates do not possess. Or that we aren't supposed to possess.

"I couldn't scent you, or hear your heartbeat."

"Yet you knew that I was here."

"I knew you were here, because I could feel your energy."

His snappish tone does nothing to deter my need. It's been awhile since I've felt his touch, and I'm craving his bite. "I'm tired of talking, bite me already." I say, stroking the back of his neck. Involuntarily his eyes close, head back reveling in the pleasure. Pleased that I have this power over him, I continue my ministrations. The Alpha Centaurian race love the back of their necks stroked. I don't know what it does for them, but it's a turn on to see him enjoying it so.

Leaning in I softly kiss his lips, he responds frantically pulling me even closer, and lifting me.

Straddling his waist my kisses become urgent, needy.

It's been weeks since I last was allowed to see him, and I want him badly. My breathing becomes heavy as his lips move down to my neck. Aware that he can smell my arousal, his skin becomes noticeably hotter. Pausing fangs protracted, he hungrily bites into me. Clinging to him, my sharp intake of breath forces him to soften his bite. Drawing hungrily and to deeply, it doesn't take long for my vision to start to blur. "Balen..." I whisper, trying unsuccessfully to push him away. He's taking too much, and my physical attack of pummeling him with my fists isn't working. "Balen!" I manage, and with the last of my energy, I force him off of me. He's lifted off of the ground, and knocked backwards into a tree with such force that it shakes.

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