Chapter 4

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Anna's point of view Mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all ? Oh oh Anna from your ugly pale face and ugly ass buck teeth I'd say miss Maddie has you bet from those pretty chocolate brown eyes you my dear look like a pile of a thousand died flys dead your beauty from time and time again Maddie is the prettiest and perfect vampire of all time the well perfect if you ask me ? She's wonderful compared to you I wanna kill that ugly bitch I screamed.  Who's the ugly one ? Your talking about ? Why you miss Anna U your the ugliest vampire known to man. Anna Show me the brat ! I demand I seen Maddie and Mason together kissing I was so enraged about it . I threw the mirror down and broke it searching for any trace of Maddie I'm so mad at her I'll kill her I'm gonna find that boy toy she has Rylee and Elizabeth go find that girl there playing baseball today as soon as I get my hands on them they'll die a slow and painful death I'm gonna break Maddie like a doll made out of glass . I hate hate her she's so stupid and grr I hate her PEYTON PEYTON OH FINE PEPE NATION I WANT YOU TO FIND THAT GIRL AND KILL HER NOW!!!!!! . Yes my lord certainly my lord I'll get her and kill her Peyton I don't wanna see them happy anymore got me so you understand me I'll kill you and Gabi faster than you can say butterscotch do you understand. Yes my lord Peyton panicked . Say uh Justin how did you and the guys transform it's a long and painful process to talk through Mason now come on let's get ready for ball .

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