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He gazed at all the paintings in the alley. There had always been a missing piece in them, one that he couldn't understand.

But he knew, now, that what he felt was greater than admiration. P.B. was more than just an artist.

She was his drugstore girl, his secret love.

"Noelle?" he called as the bell rang above his head. The store seemed empty, and he furrowed his eyebrows. Before he could overthink, she popped up from the back door.

"Hey, Jack, " she smiled, waving her hand for him to come over.

He walked towards her, giving her a questioning look as she held a cardboard box in her hands. "What are you doing?"

"I left some things of mine in the back room, and I was just grabbing them, " she said nonchalantly.

She carried the box outside, and he followed. They crossed the street, then turned right. He stopped beside her when they reached an apartment building.

They were more cardboard boxes in front of the building; his curiosity grew. "Noelle, what's this? Is this your apartment building?"

"Oh, yes, " she nodded. "The boxes here are mine too."

"Wait, are you moving?" he asked, shocked.

A small smile crept onto her face. "Yes, I finally am. I'm moving away from here, from that drugstore, and from my dad's hold."

"That's great, but... Where are you moving to?" His voice had a trace of fear laced into it, and she caught it.

"I found an affordable two bedroom apartment near, drumroll please, " she pounded her fists on a box. "Sight Gallery!"

  His eyes widened. "Wow, really? I live near there too. That's amazing, Noelle!"

  He wrapped his arms around her, and she happily returned the hug. Her voice held a sweetness to it that had his heart filling with joy. "Now, I can visit you at your job."

  "I'm excited, " he grinned, pulling back to look at her. Her beautiful orbs glistened with happiness, and he found himself drawn to it.

  Before he could think about it, he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her lips. Then, he backed away, surprised at his own actions.

  "Oh, I'm–I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..." he trailed off nervously before meeting her eyes. She looked at him, and laughed.

  "Why are you sorry?"

  And with that bold question, she cupped his face and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss, placing his hand on her waist.

  For a moment, she pulled back slightly and their eyes locked. They laughed before leaving tender kisses on each other's lips.

  "You're my hidden princess, Noelle, " he whispered softly.

  She smiled, pecking him near his ear. "And I love you, Jack."

  He froze at her words, letting them sink in. He knew he loved her, he had for a long time, but he didn't know she felt the same way.

  Happiness bubbled inside of him as he picked her up and twirled them around. "I love you more than there's water in the oceans."

"I'll swim them all for you, " she replied, smiling down at him as he held her.

But for now, they swam in the endless sea of their love.

A/N: hello! Sorry for taking so long with this update. I was tying up some loose ends with the plot, but I got it now.

  Next chapter will be the epilogue. If you'd like a Q&A, comment below!

  Thank you for reading!

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