A Break or A Cheat

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"Answer my call y/n." Louis said agitated.

You saw his name appearing on your phone and received the call.

"Hey Louis! Oh darling! I will be a little bit late. Ive so much work load here." You said running around your cabin. Your hands are reserved by files and your phone is between your neck and your ear taking a support.

"Bu- but it-"

You cut off the call fussed.

Louis' POV

How could she even do this? Ugh! But what can I do she has so much work load and I should keep her back.

POV ends.

"What do you mean by you cant take your order? You think we will give you the order for free!"

You were yelling at someone on the phone, suddenly you see Louis coming into your office with a picnic basket and candles.

You looked at him with complete astonishment.

He kissed you on your forehead and started arranging food methodically on your cabin table. He lighted the candles and placed them at the middle of the table.

Than he grabbed your waist from your back and rested his chin on your shoulders waiting for you to finish the call.

"Okay, call me after you take the cheque."

This was the last sentence you said on the call and kept the phone aside.

You folded your hands and looked Louis with angry eyes.

"Ooo! Dont look at me with that look. It will burn my eyes."

"Do you think everything is a joke?"

"What? Why are you yelling?"

"I said I'll come late."

"So thats why I came here so we can do our dinner together." He said pointing at the food arrangement he did.

"Hmm! I think I told you I'm having so much work load right now."

"You can give me 10 minutes atleast. A minute break from the work will not cause any harm."

"I cant take a break for even 1 second and please go now. Your existence is distracting me from doing my work."

"What are you saying? Its our anniversary! Atleast you can give me some time at this point". He said staring at your eyes straight. You can see your image forming in his eyes.

"We have a whole day tomorrow to celebrate our anniversary."

"I'm not going any where." He said taking his basket which hit the candles accidentally and the flowers near by started burning.

You both got hesitated. You quickly picked the fire extinguisher and sprayed it over the fire.

The flames left the ruined flowers. You both felt a sigh of relief.

"Please go out of my office!" You said angrily taking heavy breathes. The atmosphere suddenly changed into negative.

"Okay! You want me to go home! Bye!" He took his basket and went away in fist, he walked through the corridor taking heavy steps and soon the sound of the steps left your office.

You started working again.

*After 3 hours of working straight you came home.*

"Hey" You said feeling bad for what had happened earlier.

"Hey" He said turning pages of whatever he was reading.

"Im so sorry love! I was so irritated that time."

"Yeah, so irritated that you even didnt cared about me." He said sarcastically.

You came closer to the sofa where he was sitting.

"Oh! For the first time I'm enjoying my job. I dont want to leave this job. I was literally packed up that time." You say widing your eyes as he wasnt looking at your face.

"Wow! You mean you were having more work than me? I'm a singer y/n, i have much more work than you still i gathered some time for you. He said standing up from the sofa and moving towards the kitchen.

"Its different in your case. You arent under anyone. Im under my boss you fool!"

"Whatever! If you had really cared about our special day, you would have taken some time out for us. No matter what!"

"What do you mean? Ha? I dont care about you?"

"To me it doesn't look like you really do care." He said shrugging his shoulders and tilting his head.

"Really? I- i think we should take a break."

You held your head down and hugged yourself tightly.

"Yeah! Great! Lemme get something to eat then."

"No! No! I mean we should take a break from our relationship."

You know by hearing this words of yours he would be completely disappointed but you were done with this drama.

Suddenly his face turned pale. It took him time to understand the words that went from your mouth straight away to his heart causing pain.

"O- okay". He slammed the door and you burst out into tears.

You went into your room leaving all the mess behind. Every tear that dropped out left more pain inside your heart instead of relieving your body.

On the other hand Louis was still shocked because it happened all of a sudden.

Your POV

I dont know its right or wrong to do this all of a sudden. But i think it was for good. We werent able to spend time which absolutely could fade our love for each other. And i wasnt able to tolerate this drama so often. But my heart still wants go to him and stick my head to his chest resting my body which is the only medicine for my tiredness. But at the same time my brain says it isnt healthy for a relationship to cause so much conflict. I'm feeling helpless right now. It feels like joyous and the hopeful part of my life has been destroyed.

Your tears werent stopped yet. They were still falling out of your eyes. You faced towards the window and stared at the sky till you didnt ended up sleep on your room's sofa.

Louis POV

Ah! It hurts so much. I was just trying to help her out. She really didnt deserve me. (He thought taking another sip of alcohol) She was like my missing piece and once the missing piece is destroyed the puzzle cant be finished. I will never trust her ever again.

POV ends.

Did you liked it. I decided to stop it here because 1K words is enough for 1 part. I will be updating the next part soon. Till then like and comment on this imagine + go through my other imagines too + if you are new here and liked my work follow me. Your follow, likes and comments are a sign of appreciation to me.
Love y'all!

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