Castiel's New Plan

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Rivers stared at Sam with a doubtful smirk.  "Friends of Dean?"

"Yeah.  Why are you smiling?"  Sam snapped back, almost offended at how she assumed Dean was so socially isolated that he didn't have any friends.

"What kind of people would be friends with Dean?"

"Well, apparently the angels like him.  And I don't think that's a bad clique to be a part of.  Now, are you coming?"

Rivers screwed her mouth to one side in thought and heeled the floor with her boot.  Tucking her hands in her pocket, she walked up to Sam and stopped in front of him.  "What do you need me to do?"

"I need you to go to this Slender Man and trade him in--,"

"Am I the bait?"

Sam tilted his head to one side.  "Sort of.  But I'm giving you Dad's journal-- my dad's journal-- and you're going to read the chant that will destroy the Slender Man.  But you have to do with when its looking at you.  You can't half-crap this."

"That's not really a trade.  You know, the Slender Man has to get something in return for Dean.  What do I give him besides obviously reading a lethal cinquain?"

"What's a cinquain?"

Rivers squinted her eyes and her jaw shifted forward.  "It's a type of poem.  Don't worry about it.  But, is it going to work?"

"It will once I get in contact with Cas and Laurel," Sam said as they two left the room.  The two of them walked through the old bar and out onto the two lane-asphalt road.  It had rained while they were inside, making the roads glisten with countless water droplets.  The air around them was heavy with an evening rainfall.

"Cas and Laurel...can they be trusted?"  Rivers asked, walking faster to keep up with Sam's long strides.  "When I was possessed, I heard the demon talk about the angels' integrity...and, no lie, what the demon said makes sense.  You can't really trust an angel."

"Because trusting a demon makes more sense,"  Sam said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.  "I've trusted a demon before; never really ends up good."

"Okay," Rivers said, rethinking her choice of words.  "What makes you trust the angels?"

"Well, Dean trusts them and I trust Dean. And Castiel has been a long time friend of ours.  Laurel is Cas' sister."  Sam stopped and looked around them.  Hope slowly draining from his greenish eyes.  "You wouldn't happen to have a car, would you?"

Rivers shook her head.  "No.  It's at home."

"And where's your home?"

"Florida.  Not really close to where we are."  Rivers shrugged and started walking ahead of Sam. 

Sam's lips pinched in a frustrated line and he started after her.  "Has anyone tried to kill this thing?  This kidnapping maniac."

Talking over her shoulder, the girl replied in a voice that sounded like one that was tired of hearing the same story: dull and uninterested.  "Yes.  Many before your time.  They can't kill him because his hostages are children, which he calls 'family.'  Once they're in his grips, Stockholm Syndrome begins.  If Dean's lucky, he won't get attached to Slender Man.  But they say the only way to kill him is to sacrifice a loved one.  Kind of pagan tradition, don't you think?"

"I suppose.  But, that sounds too easy.  I mean, I could sacrifice myself for Dean and then be brought back-- it's not like we haven't been before."

Rivers smirked and pivoted on her heels, facing Sam.  "The loved one has to be exactly three-years-old and a male.  I'm guessing neither of you have children."

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