Losing Her

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Scarecrow's P.O.V


She left. Gone, just like that. Whisked away by the colors of light refracted by Glinda's magic.  A swirl of color, meant to something happy, were monochrome in my eyes.

I sighed, wiping the tears away from my eyes as I turned around. I couldn't stand looking at the others anymore. Not even my closest friends, Lion and Tin Man, both of which had been with me through everything that's happened in the past few days... the past few years even. Not even my closest friends, which had spent the past numerous hours in suffering, waiting for the accidental witch-slayer's rescue.

She was taken from me again. Why? Why, after all the years I spent creating that Rainbow Moving machine to bring her back to me... Why is it that I only got to see glimpses of her during that battle, and then was forced to watch her leave...? Why was all that hard work, just put to waste like that? Just like that. I was only able to see her in glimpses for a couple of hours, and...

I looked down at my hands. The very hands I held her with for only a few mere seconds. I wouldn't be able to tell how I've longed to hold her for hours on end. It would take too much time.

"Why..." I muttered, my hands balling up into fists as my mind raced with anger and frustration.

"Scarecrow? What's wrong?" A small female voice rang out. I turned towards the china girl the voice emitted from. She was a pretty little thing, even I had to admit that one. Despite the numerous cracks and fractures in her porcelain skin and hair, her beauty still shone. However, the doll's looks couldn't even hold a candle to hers. Her soft brown hair, tied loosely to the sides, with short brown tufts framing her face beautifully. Her stunning blue eyes, flittering back and forth, the embodiment of innocent curiosity.

I opened my mouth to speak. However, the words that wanted to spill were all laced with pain. A pain I couldn't bear to inflict upon the china. So I snapped my lips shut and turned towards the stairs. There was an echo lining each of my steps, a loud echo. It was most likely fueled by my feelings. As I left the area I purposely shoved my shoulder into Glinda, the damned witch that was the reason behind my current negativity. "Scarecrow! That's not cool man!" I heard lion snap. I ignored him and just wound down the stairs. Soon I wasn't even aware that I was moving as I was dragged back into the spinning top I call a brain.


I felt tears pooling out of my eyes. I furiously wiped them away. I couldn't start crying now. Not now... Why does the world hate me so? First I have to go through years of being a failure at the one job I was meant to do, then Dorothy came along. She was so pretty... I simply wanted to help her, then next thing I knew I fell for her kindness. However, I looked like a damn fool in front of her. It made me want to have a mind of my own even more. To do so, we had to deal with a fraud and a stupid witch, green with envy. Doing it for Dorothy made it more bearable. Then just when things were settling back down, woosh! Three heel clicks and she's gone. Next, I know, just as I'm getting her back once more I'm interrupted by stupid monkeys and I threw her life in danger! Oh, I hope she can forgive me for that one... Knowing her and her kindness, she did. Luckily she was out of the rainbow by the time I fled like a coward, worried for my safety more than hers at that moment. Finally, see her and have her back in my arms. She felt so warm, I could almost feel her happiness radiating off of her. Whether that was form being with me again, or simply seeing her friends once more, well I hope it was the former. Then- BOOM! She's thrown into a tornado, falling off a tower and sent away again just like that!

I ripped myself out of my thoughts. I realized that I was stopped at the bottom of the stairs. I started walking again, the sound of a bubble expanding and then popping behind me. "Scarecrow? Scarecrow what is the matter with you?" I heard that familiar witch say. I bit my lower lip and kept quiet, continuing to walk away from the woman who had caused me so much pain. I didn't want to hurt her with my response. I knew exactly what it would turn into. An outburst of pent-up rage, frustration, and sorrow.

"Scarecrow, answer me." Glinda continued. She seemed to be demanding my attention now. The clicking of her shoes echoed in the background as I sped up. I had to get away from her before she pushed me to turn things ugly. I kept my focus on the large gate, looming in front of me. I counted.

One. Two. Three. Four.

This was a method I read about once. It regulated breathing and helped calm people down. Well, the counting at least. I chose to do it in counts of four.

Two. Two. Three. Four.

"Scarecrow..." Glinda said, warning to her tone of voice. I had to continue ignoring her. My goal was so close, I couldn't break now. I could almost touch the gates-

Three. Two. Three. Four.

"Scarecrow will you please stop ignor-" She had a pleading tone to her voice. A plea I interrupted. I was unable to bear hearing her speak any longer. "Shut up!" I finally snapped, whipping around to face her. "Do you know how much pain I am in right now because of you?" I stormed up to her, shaking my index finger in her direction before I finally came to a halt. My finger was 4 and a half centimeters from her chest, that's how close I allowed myself to get to her. "Scarecrow I- I only did what Dorothy wanted me to... I asked her if she wanted to return home and she said she wanted to." Glinda responded shakily, her body language heavily telling me that she was taken aback by my sudden outburst. Her eyes were wide and fearful. Good. Her fear was something I wanted to see. I was afraid of her the whole time Dorothy was here this second time, now it's her turn to be afraid of me when Dorothy is not around. "Yes, and if you hadn't offered then she would still be here...." I could hear it in my voice, the pain I previously mentioned to this damned goody-two-shoes. I stared at her for a moment before I finally let anger take control of my voice and words. "If you hadn't said anything to her in the first place, she would still be here with me! If you hadn't even been here, at this cursed castle, she would still be happy and in my arms right now! Hell, if you hadn't even told her about the magic in the ruby slippers long ago, she would have lived a happy life with me here in Oz, ruling by my side!" I exclaimed, my voice rising with each syllable that spilled from my lips. "I- I-" Glinda stuttered, shaking her head back and forth, tears starting to form in her eyes."I wish you hadn't even been here in the first place! I wish you were dead!" Then with my rant being concluded with those words and the chorus of gasps from Glinda and the others, who had finally made it down in time to hear that last part, I turned away and ran, shoving the gate wide open as I fled the scene of my crime. I paid no attention to where my feet were taking me. I simply ran, knowing that my feet were taking me far away from that palaced prison.

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