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Ere long,in the days...
The days of DA Vinci,
Or maybe the days of Pious,
Or Picasso per se?
Long before it was sinful,
Or that's what they thought it wasn't:

Long before polygamy was a sin,
When promiscuity and concubineship,
Scatter'd and Fill'd up the streets,
When all men!
In a fleet, lone, gentry or a pauper,
Secured the lusty ways,
So as to keep their strays.

Long before the law,
That on the gentry's palm,
And that whose axe fell on the lower caste,
Before it was all for the people,
Or maybe by the people,
Lincoln should have put it better!
Really what was he thinking?

With secret joy,
None was coy,
And the indulgence
A better form of Paradise,
Or maybe it once was?
For that was long ago,
So long but not as long...

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