Today is going to be great. It had been a few weeks since I had moved and I had finally made some friends. I was heading out to meet up with them for coffee at a local cafe and I couldn't be happier. Before leaving I turn the TV on to check the weather report.

"...And make sure to bring those coats and umbrellas! It's expected to be a very rainy day!" I shut the TV off and glance outside. It was bright and sunny. Not a cloud in the sky. I shrugged. This is why no one trusts weathermen. I don't bother to heed their advice. It felt like it was going to be a beautiful day.

I arrive at the coffee shop and are greeted by my three new friends. Savannah, Marie and her boyfriend Nate.

"Hey! I'm so glad you could make it!" Savannah exclaims while giving me a quick hug. I may not have known her for a long time but she was the personable type. Friends with almost everyone she meets. Marie gave me a small wave and a quiet hello. She was almost the exact opposite of Savannah, shy and slightly introverted. Her boyfriend, Nate, was the perfect balance between the two. Still friendly but it took a lot for him to open up to you. The four of us headed to the counter to order our drinks before sitting down at one of the tables outside.

"Are you sure we should be sitting outside? Didn't they say it was going to rain?" Marie asked looking slightly concerned. Savannah laughed, bright and loud.

"It'll be fine." She looked up and gestured at the sky. "There's not a cloud in the sky. We should be fine." I laughed at her overdramatic reply. Marie smiled and looked relieved. Nate gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Besides, we don't have to worry! Our new friend controls the weather!" When she pointed at me I gave her a confused look. What was she on about.

"What are you talking about?" Savannah laughed.

"It always seems like your mood matches the weather we're having!" Everyone laughed along with her. I didn't. It all made sense. I knew she was joking but when I think about for as long as I could remember the weather around me would change depending on how I felt. When I'm sad it's always raining, when I'm angry there's always a thunderstorm and when I'm happy, like today, it's bright and sunny.

"Hey, she was only joking, no need to look like that." I vaguely hear Nate say. I was no longer paying attention. I started to feel anxious. My heartbeat quickened and I realised the wind had picked up along with it. It could have just been a coincidence but I wasn't thinking rationally.

"I'm sorry, I have to go." I put the money for my coffee on the table and rushed off. I could hear them calling me to come back but I ignored it. I needed somewhere to go and think. I could feel my anxiety rising and the wind becoming stronger and faster. I found myself wandering towards a park. I sat down on one of the benches and looked out at the greenery. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. Everything slowed down until I felt normal again. I noticed immediately that after I calmed down the wind slowed down to a standstill. There was no way that was a coincidence.

I don't know why or how but they were right. The weather was tied to my emotions.

As soon as I returned to my apartment I went to turn on my computer. I started to search for any mentions of strange weather patterns from my hometown. Sure enough, there were articles from around when I was born about the abnormal amount of rain the region had. If this had been going on for so long surely my parents would have picked up on it. I decided to call my mother. I hoped that she would be able to put this silly idea to rest. She answered after two rings.

"Taika? It's good to hear from you! How are you doing on your own?" My mother's voice immediately helped me calm down. I took a deep breath. If I didn't ask now then I would never get up the nerve to again. "Hello? Are you there?" I could hear the concern in her voice.

"Hey, yeah I'm here... Listen, this is going to sound crazy but I have to ask. Have you ever noticed that the weather and my moods tend to reflect one another? I know it's probably just a coincidence but a friend pointed it out and I just wanted to know." I was praying she wouldn't know what I was talking about and that I was being silly. What I wasn't expecting was the silence that hung in the air. Eventually, she sighed.

"I have been waiting for this day for a long time. There's something we haven't told you." My eyes widened in shock. This couldn't be real right? She was just messing with me. I waited for her to continue. Trying unsuccessfully to keep myself calm. "As you know your father and I immigrated from Finland. What you don't know is that you are descended from Finnish wizards. There was a superstition that Finns could control the weather, only it isn't a superstition." I laughed in disbelief. There was no way this was real.

"You have to be messing with me right? There is no way this is true. Magic and wizards don't exist." The anxiety was coming back again. I could hear the wind pick up through the trees.

"I'm not joking. For generations in our family the magic has remained dormant. Until you came along. We thought that eventually you would grow out of it if we didn't cultivate it properly but we were wrong. In the end, we decided not to tell you unless you ever asked." Her voice was completely serious. I couldn't believe it. There was no way this could be happening.

"I'll call you back." Was all I managed to get out before hanging up. I fell onto the couch in disbelief. There was no way this was true. It couldn't be.

Who knew a passing joke would lead to this.

A/N: There is a chance I will continue this but not entirely sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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