I took a deep breath and snapped my fingers, in an instant the crowded beach was completely frozen in time. I looked at the dusk skyline and smiled before quickly taking out my camera. It was the perfect moment. The wispy clouds were tinted in an array of pinks and oranges that bounced off the ocean giving it a sparkle that would put diamonds to shame, the sun just dipping below the horizon. The shutter on the camera made an audible snap in the otherwise silent world surrounding me. As I turned around with a satisfied smile I noticed something in the corner of my eye. If I hadn't know any better I'd have thought that something was moving. Shaking off the silly notion I was just about to resume the flow of time before I noticed it again. This time I was sure. There was someone  weaving through the crowds, all I could make out was the occasional bob of dark brown hair in the distance. The person's ability to remain protected from my freeze was intriguing. Carefully placing the camera back in its bag, I went to give chase. Carefully I retraced the strangers steps, keeping them in my eye line. The stranger stopped abruptly as if they knew I was following them. This was my chance. I caught up with the person, who I could now make out was a man, and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, but how exactly are you still able to move?" There was curiosity in my voice and just a trace of irritation. This had never happened before in the year I'd had these gifts and was slightly offended that someone could just overturn my skill. The man turned around and gave me a sly smirk before placing a finger to his thin lips. Amusement was clearly present in his grey eyes, but there was something else in them too, something I just couldn't figure out. He turned away from me and stared absent mindedly at the stalled people surrounding them.

"Fascinating isn't it? Seeing so many people stalled in the middle of their mundane lives, a real shame if you ask me, so many opportunities just handed to them that they simply ignore. You didn't though, after all,that's why you're here Alexis." His voice had a bored, almost disdainful, tone to it. His avoidance of my question would have annoyed me had I not been stunned at the fact he knew my name.

"You have me at a loss. You know my name and yet I don't know yours. Care to introduce yourself, and then answer my question as to why you can be moving around when time has clearly stopped. As I spoke I motioned to the people he was previously criticising. He turned to face me once again.

"My name is Trent, Trent Sharpe. I suggest you restart soon, Time is  a fragile thing, can only handle so much disruption. We should meet again, tomorrow at midday, the coffee shop near your studio. I'll explain everything you want to know then." Before I had the chance to question him further he walked off. I tried to follow him again but he blended into the crowd seamlessly. It was clear to me that he wanted me to find him the first time. I closed my eyes and sighed,exasperated, I closed my eyes and snapped my fingers once more. The whole world jumped back to life in an instant. I think it's time to do some research on this 'Trent Sharpe'. I thought as I started the short walk back to my studio.

Nothing.I stared at my computer feeling frustrated. There was nothing to be found about the man online. It was as if he didn't exist. There were plenty of other Trent Sharpe's out there but none of them were my mystery man from the beach. I yawned, I had spent hours researching and had nothing to show for it. I shut my computer off and crawled into bed. Hopefully tomorrow "Trent" will explain everything as promised. With that thought I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up early the next morning. I had been tossing and turning all night not knowing what the day would hold and was slightly agitated because of it. I pulled a random dress from my closet and threw it on, I checked how I looked in the mirror while brushing my hair. The plain black dress was suitable enough. I didn't bother putting on  any make-up. I looked at my phone. Ten thirty, I might as wellhead out now, see if there are any photo opportunities along the way.With that thought in mind I left the apartment above my studio. As I walked down the stairs I passed by all my newest photographs. Ever since I had been granted this gift my photography had become world renowned. Being able to stop time gave me the chance to get the perfect shots every time. Whenever  I look at my photos there is always a part of me that feels guilty that my success is all because of a cheat, but the feeling eventually disappears. I quickly opened the studio's door but made sure to lock it after I had exited. After my meeting with the mysterious Trent I'd come back to reopen.

Along the way to the coffee shop I stopped along the way taking pictures of the landscape and everyday life. I didn't use my power though. Didn't want to risk it.

I arrived at the shop at exactly midday. He wasn't there. Ten minutes passed, then another ten. Where is he? For someone who organised this meet up he's very late. I'll wait an hour, if he isn't here by then I'm heading back. I have no intention of waiting all day for this stranger. I went up to the counter and ordered a cappuccino. If I was going to wait, may as well have a drink. I watched the people on the street pass by, partly to see if I could find Trent in the crowd but also just observe them going about their daily lives.

I glanced down at my watch again. One thirty. I doubt he's showing up, probably just trying to mess with me. I stood up to leave, as I did I noticed a small fledgling about to take its first flight. I had my fingers at the ready. As soon as  the bird took its first leap I snapped. The world froze, the bird now hanging in mid-air, it would make a beautiful photograph. As I bent down to pick up my camera bag I heard someone clear their throat. My head darted upwards to see Trent staring down at me. What on earth is going on?

"You're late." his voice was impassive. "I'm surprised at you, I thought you'd have figured it out." I looked at him curiously and then it all suddenly made sense.

"You exist outside of time. How is that possible?" Trent smiled and shrugged his shoulders. He noticed my irritated expression and laughed at it.

"That's because I control time, and the one who granted you the ability to manipulate it. You seem to be putting my gifts to good use." At his words a look of disbelief crossed my face. Does he really expect me to believe that? "I can see that you don't believe me but regardless of if you do or don't you can't explain my being here so may as well accept it until you can prove or disprove what I said."

"Why give this power? What makes me special?" He smiled.

"Remember what I said when you first saw me? People ignore the opportunities given to them. You didn't. A year ago you missed what would have been an award winning shot and wished that you were able to stop time. I granted that wish."

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