F is For Friends

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Regardless of how annoying they can be sometimes, I actually cherish my friends. Imagine how dull things would get if they weren't there.

There are many types of friends.

1) True friends- always there for you in good times and bad times. They back you up and correct you. The downside however is that they also follow you to the toilet. I don't like that. When I get in to do my business, I want that experience to be free of embarrassment. When my friends follow me, it makes things tough. I can't fart loudly or they'll giggle. I can't poop or they'll be like

' Eew, what did you eat today?'

Food. You should know, you finished it for me. Still though you got to love them.

2) False friends or posers- it's your money, your food, your clothes, your game console or even the crowd you are in. They are easy or hard to please depending on their IQ. Most of the time you can't tell if they are sincere until your status or financial situation crashes and then they'll ditch you like last week's tuna. Most of the time, your ego takes a hit but you are better off without them.

Upside to having them as 'friends'. They give you space when you are having problems. Although that might be because they can't tell. Your best friend would bug you until you spill which can be annoying especially if it a family thing.

In the end though, it is important to appreciate your friends. Buy them stuff once in a while. Like those charms that you'll lose despite what the TV tells you.

PS. Happy Eid!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2012 ⏰

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