Chapter 5: Stupid doors

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"So, I was late today, because I was on an important meeting, though truthfully I still don't know why they needed me."

I nod and sit behind my own desk, on which there was a small pile of papers.

"Miss Rose. I would like to ask you to help me label all the important resources and tasks, I have to finish until the end of today. You can use a marker, it doesn't matter."

I nod again and get started. I can feel his gaze on me from time to time but don't pay any attention to it. In the end, I am left with papers, which are color marked for easier assortment and with short notes beside it, on what the file is about. When I place it in his hands, he flips through it, nodding satisfied. "Very good. Where did you learn this?"

"I am a writer. I have to know these things, to connect the event in my book more easily."

He nods again. "Then I ask you to handle these things from now on."

"I understand."

He puts the files away and takes another one out of his drawer. "I know you've done a really good job already, but could you this too? Organize these photos based on date and theme."

"Of course."

I take the file from him and bring it to my desk. In the meantime, he starts his computer and starts working on some plan.

I open the folder and am surprised by all the photos inside. Mostly it's all nature. Even though I have a hard time acknowledging it, I am amazed by the atmosphere these photos are emitting. Each of them sends out peaceful and warm feelings, which I really like. The more I go through them, the more I feel the happiness, that the photographer put in. I glance at him, absorbed in his computer. 

Why did you have to do this to me? I thought we were friends. Then I found out what you truly thought of me. I started to hate you. But why is there such loneliness coming from you? It's not fair.

Mark suddenly looks at me and I quickly avert my gaze towards the pictures in front of me. Him catching me is the last thing I need.

I finish my work at half 7 and close the folder with now neatly arranged pictures, relieved. I stretch my arms up in the air and circle with them, to shake the tense feeling in them. 

"You did good, miss Rose. You can go home now," Mark addresses me and smiles. 

"Thanks," I reply clumsily and put my things in my backpack. 

"Can I expect you tomorrow at 7 o'clock already? We're going further away and we have to leave early."

I look at him, confused. "Where?"

"A couple that's going to marry has hired me to be their photographer. The place is Lake Bled but since they paid a lot of money just to have me there, I agreed in the end."

"I see."

A wedding huh? I don't know how I'll be able to work with him, but I'll try my best. I pick up my backpack and walk towards the door. 

"I wish you a nice evening," I voice calls out behind me and I feel my heart squeeze. 

"You too," I reply back, still facing the door and close them behind me. When I'm sure, he can't hear me anymore, I slide down the door. Today I've used up all of my energy. How will I survive until tomorrow? Will I be able to continue my acting? I close my eyes and breathe deeply a couple of times. 

All of a sudden I lose the door behind me and fall back. I hear a surprised inhale and two green eyes stare at me from above. 

"Mia?" I hear him say and I quickly jump on my feet. I really don't have any luck with doors today.

"I'm good," I stutter and run towards the elevator. I press the lobby button the second I step in but the doors don't close until he enters the elevator as well. A dead silence spreads across the small confined space and my heart starts beating uncontrollably. Nobody says a word. I've never felt so awkward unless on that day. My thoughts start to bring me back there but I shake my head, trying to get rid of them. 

"How are you?" his deep voice asks beside me.

How am I? How can you even ask that? Have you forgotten what you did to me?

"Never been better," I answer, my words dripping with sarcasm and move away from him a little.


There's silence again. I don't say a word until the elevator opens and I exhale grateful this is over. I quickly step out and run down the stairs out of the building.

Harry's not here yet. I'll wait a little,  then call him. I feel pressure on my shoulder and turn around, frightened. 

"Hey, it's just me," Harry says, smiling and hugs me. "Why are you so on edge?"

"Oh.. hi," I breathe, relieved and hug him back. "Nothin, just had a hectic day."

I relax in his warmth and snuggle closer to him. 

"Shall we go?" I ask but don't get an answer. He's focused somewhere in the building. I gently tug on his shirt and get his attention back.

"Sorry, honey. What?"

"Shall we go?" I repeat and he smiles.

"Yeah. Let's go."

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