Expressing my feelings

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-The next day-

"Mornin' Doc!"

Ratchet groaned, rubbing his optics and rolling over on his berth. He was not a morning bot and typically won't get up unless some stupid mech is injured. Someone like Wheeljack.

"I brought ya some fresh energon, wanna share?" Wheeljack poked his head in the doorway, grinning.

Ratchet sat straight up and looked at Wheeljack for a second. Did he really ask me to share energon with him? He blushed slightly but covered it so the Mechanic couldn't see it.

"Oh um, sure! Just let me clean up my workspace and I'll meet you in the break room."

"Okay, see ya!" Wheeljack cheerfully strolled out of the Medbay, carefully carrying two empty glasses.

He arrived in the break room right when Prowl and Optimus walked by, deep in conversation. He sighed in relief. There was no way he was going to make a fool of himself in front of his superiors. He set the glasses down on the table and filled them up with energon. He slid one over to the other side and waited for Ratchet to arrive.

A few minutes went by and Wheeljack started to get worried. Did I scare him? Maybe he doesn't want to hang out with me! How am I supposed to tell him?!

"Sorry I'm late, I got caught up in the hallway. Those twins are annoying as heck." Ratchet said, striding through the door.

Wheeljack snapped out of his thoughts and shook his head.

"Oh, yeah those twins can be a handful hehe..." Wheeljack said nervously as Ratchet sat down. He eyed him as he took a sip of energon, his servo shaking a little bit. He forced himself to calm down and relax. "So, anything interesting happen lately?"

"Not really, the only patient I've had for the past few days is you." Ratchet snickered, setting down his glass of energon.

"Oh whatever. It's not my fault the engine imploded and caught on fire!" Wheeljack protested, crossing his arms. "Nobody's perfect, grouchy Doc." Wheeljack chuckled, winking at Ratchet.

"Don't call me Doc!" Ratchet said, turning red with embarrassment.

"Whatever you say, sunshine.." Wheeljack grinned under his faceplate, leaning forward.

Ratchet growled. "Are you flirting with me?!"

"Maybe.. do you like it?"

"A little.." Ratchet muttered under his breath. "Of course not!" He said immediately afterwards, crossing his arms.

"Oh, I think you do. Don't be so tense, that frown ruins your pretty face.." Wheeljack said smoothly.

"That's it! I'm done with this." Ratchet huffed, standing up and turning around. He gasped when Wheeljack grabbed him from behind in a tight hug. At first he struggled against it, but then he loosened up.

Wheeljack hugged him for a little longer, then decided to make his move. He secretly removed his faceplate and kissed Ratchet on the cheek. He ran off down the hallway, madly blushing.

Ratchet stood there frozen, and then snapped out of it. "Don't make me hit you with this wrench!" He yelled, chasing Wheeljack down the hallway.

When he lost sight of him, he sighed. He walked back to the Medbay and leaned back into a chair. He ran his fingers along the spot that Wheeljack kissed. A small grin tugged at his mouth and he smiled.

"You liiiiiike him don't you Ratchet?" Sunstreaker snickered behind the desk.

Ratchet just about lost it. He duct taped Sunstreaker's mouth shut and shoved him in a closet until he promised that he wouldn't tell anyone.

Meanwhile Wheeljack was in his workshop trying to keep his circuits from overloading.

"I can't believe it! I kissed him! That was the best feeling I've had in eons!" He said to himself, swiveling around in his chair and pulling out a picture of Ratchet that he kept hidden. He stared lovingly at it for a while, mesmerized. "This is such a weird feeling, but I like it..."

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