The signing

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Chapter 2

Jessie P.O.V.

“Hurry up we're going to be late.”Dani screams into the house as she leaves through the door.

As we walk down the street 5 random guys walk right in to us, but when we turn around we see that it's none other than One Direction. I start to say sorry but I'm interrupted by Harry Styles who is saying it's all his fault and he should have been paying attention. As we stand up I tell them that we have to go pick up our friends. We walk away in a hurry on our way to Elle's house.

Lily's P.O.V.

After the incident with the boys we hurried to Elle's and Kenzie's house.

“Why are you smiling?”says Kenzie to Jessie.

“Probably because were going to the signing.” says Elle.

“No, It's because we....”I start but then Dani interrupts.

“We'll tell on the way are y’all ready?”says Dani.

Dani said we had to go now so we won't be late for the signing. We then left and when we got there the line wasn't very long so we were about 8th in line.

Jessie's P.O.V.

As I walk up to Harry he signs my One Direction CD, but before I walked away he grabbed my hand and wrote a message on my hand. I didn’t read it until everything we wanted to be signed got signed. I read it silently and started screaming like the fangirl i was.

“Whats wrong?” says Dani

“Nothing its just... my h-h-hand.”I stuttered excitedly.

“What does it say?”Dani almost shouts.

“I-it”I start shoving my in Dani's direction.

“OMGEE.” Dani says while jumping up and down.

“What does it say?”asks Elle.

“It says and I quote 'I know we just met but meet me at the park in 2 hours Xx~Harry' It even has kisses. We gotta go home and get you ready.” Dani shouts.

“Let's go get her ready for tonight!” says Kenzie excitedly.

Later that afternoon(in Jessie's room)

Kenzie's P.O.V.

"OMG! Jessie" I exclaimed.

"So what do you wanna wear?" asked Elle.

"I don't know. Nothing to formal because it's just the park. Not to over the top neon bright but not to neutral. You know what I mean?." says Jessie while smiling like an idiot.

"Okay i get it!"Dani say

"Any specific color in mind?" asks Lily.

"I'm thinking a pretty blue!"says Jessie.

After awhile of no's and maybes from Jessie we found it. The one for the date with Harry Styles. The Harry Styles. It was beautiful. It was a kinda bright but not over the top. It was a strapless dress that has a ruched bodice. The perfect flirty summer dress for her to wear on the date. She was also wear simple black flats with bows on the toe. She had me do her make-up. I didn't put that much on her since she already beautiful. Whatever I put was a neutral color because it was late noon she doesn't need all that crap on her face. When I was content with my work I let her look in the mirror. 

She had this really worried look on her face. She turned to look at us, I have to say she looked really beautiful.

"Guys, What if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm ugly? What if.."She says in a worried tone but gets cut off by Dani.

"You look perfect, he will love you just be your self, and lastly you are beautiful. If he doesn't like you for the real you and your beauty then he can keep his famous butt walking because I'm not gonna have someone use you. Okay, sweetie."Dani finishes by kissing her lightly on her forehead.

  She(Dani) has always been a  motherly figure, even if she only is two years older. She has always been there for us always.ALAWYS.

"Okay go and if you need anything, and I mean anything, give one of us a call. Now go,have fun, be young." Dani said smiling at Jessie as she left.


Author's Note 

 So will the next chapter be nice and flirty or weird and full of awkwardness. I honestly don't know, because Cam (Jessie) is writing the next chapter because its her part. Btw this is Dani and I'm Dani in real life and in the story and the other person is Hal or Lily in the story. Also Hal might not write as much as Cam and I,but we might write the chapters together.

So don't forget to share, comment, vote, and fan we fan back i promise. The next  part of the story should be uploaded tomorrow idk, that is up to Cam. If your reading this Cam UPLOAD TOMORROW okay.

Well imma end this its getting long. Love all of our readers and ill try and check out y'alls books. 

<3 :)  Xx ~Dani

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