One by one

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One by one,

I place my feet on the scale,

Cold tears flow down my cheek, 

My body brings me Hell.

I couldn't take it anymore,

And I began to snap.

I began to cut my wrist,

Horrible bloody slits,

But why? Because I wanted more.

Or less. 

I began to stop eating,

But the kids at schools continued,

To lash beatings upon me,

With harmful words.

I couldn't even dress out,

Without thinking,

''What if they think,I'm fat? What if they think I'm stupid. What if...'' 

And I began to doubt-

One by one,

The pounds began to shed,

But not fast enough,

And it came to the point where,

I was nearly dead. 

A simple touch,

Would hurt like Hell,

And I got to watch,

As my hair fell,

One by one,

Illness hit me,

Not being able to swallow,

Prone to being rather sickly,

And I began to follow,

The wrong path.

A tortured soul in a tortured body,

Soon to cause idiopathy,

One by one,

Tears flow again... 

[My Story In A Poem<3

I'm Much Better Now :D

Still Fat.] 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2012 ⏰

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